10 Ideas My Teen Is Doing this COVID-19 Summer

Friday was the last official day of school for my teenager. Despite the steps towards reopening in the Bay Area, expect this summertime to be anything but normal. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States, here is what is she and her friends planned to do over the summer besides some of the wonderful camp options you can find in my Summer Camps 2020 Guide.



With miles of endless coastline and breathtaking beaches, having a socially distance meet up is possible. However, some of the more popular beaches may not be a viable option for social distance rules.

"Cards Against Humanity claims to be β€œa party game for horrible people.” Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends. This is not a game for everyone but my teen and her friends do go nuts for it.

There are 2 websites to visit: Pretend You’re Xyzzy and All Bad Cards

Minecraft Virtual Party

Minecraft is a super fun way to celebrate with all your friends online playing in the same world on her own private server.

Streaming Movies

My teen uses Discord to host a movie night or watch her friends’ favorite TV shows, movie or even a movie marathon. She knows how to to set it up better than me. I just add popcorn and snacks and leave them to it! The Houseparty app is another option.


Camp grounds are starting to open back up or have the kids socially distance pitch their own tents in your yard.

What is your teen doing this summer? Please leave a comment below.