Inspire your learner with online classes at Outschool
/Outschool - online classes for kids - lets you to inspire your learner with unique classes from amazing educators. Classes take place in small-groups over video chat which is engaging, fun, and convenient.
You can sign-up for afterschool, weekends or any schedule that works for you. The range of classes for K-12 includes: core academics or supplementary activities, one-offs, short exploratory courses and semester-long courses.
They have thousands of classes, so it’s difficult to choose ones to highlight, but I’ve listed a few of my favorites for the Spring below. Try your first live online class now and email any questions to
Outschool Online Classes for Spring
Land Animals
Sun Mar 19 & Mar 26, 10am - 11am PST
Ages 5-7, Online
This is an early biology class for ages 5 - 7 years old. Students do not need any background knowledge before class. Students will learn about the different characteristics that define an animal as a land animal. They will learn the life cycle of a bear. Students will learn about bears, horses, cows, pigs, dogs, cats and lions.
Roald Dahl and his books
Thursday May 4 & May 11 at 10am PST
Ages 7-11, Online
This class is an opportunity for young readers to get to know the author Roald Dahl and a few of his amazing, funny and imaginative books. During class I will talk about Roald Dahl and his life. I will also present a few of his books and read some parts and also a couple of his poems. The students are very welcome to share their favorite parts of the books if they have read them. I will talk about the following books Matilda, BFG- the big friendly giant, Charlie and the chocolate factory, James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr.Fox and Witches.
Rats, Bulls, and Flying Machines: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation
Mon Apr 10 - May 1 at 4pm PST
Ages 12-18, Online
Students will learn about key events and important figures of the Renaissance and Reformation as well as social, political, and military history. The course will begin with an introduction to the era in Europe and the world so students can enter without much knowledge of the specific period. Students should come prepared to participate and will be given reading assignments between sessions as well as short research assignments to help them get excited about the events we will study and discuss.
How Does An Airplane Fly?
Mon Mar 20, 4:05pm - 5:05pm PST
Ages 8-12, Online
How does an airplane fly? The principles of flight are discussed in this class at a beginner level, the basics of what forces of nature allow an airplane to fly.
Topics included:
What are the forces of nature acting on an airplane?
What are the parts of an airplane and what part do they play in flight?
What is the difference between a propeller plane and a jet plane?
What is the difference between a glider, an airplane, a helicopter, and a rocket?
This is a fun filled whiteboarding class where the concepts discussed are illustrated through simple hand drawings. The language is age appropriate, the concepts are fundamental aimed at a deep understanding, not memorization of facts and names. My goal is to inspire the students to dig deeper and learn more upon the foundation laid in this class, and have fun while doing it!
Logically Speaking: Looking at Fallacies in Logic
Fri Mar 17, 9am - 10am PST
Ages 8-13, Online
During this session, we will look at various Logical Fallacies that exist in arguments. We will learn how to find, break down and remove fallacies from our own writing and speech such as Circular Reasoning, Ad Hominem, Ad Baculum, Red Herring, Slippery Slope and Hasty Generalization.
Session will begin with a very brief introduction to Socrates, Aristotle and Plato.
Students must be proficient readers to participate. No other prior knowledge is needed.
Class will be structured in a Socratic Seminar style with discussion encouraged from participants.
Spring Writing
Thu, Mar 30 - Jun 22 PST
Ages 8-18, Online
Do you have a teenager at home who dreams of writing a book? Do you have a young storyteller who struggles to write down hers or his stories? Do you have a child with great grammar and spelling skills but who need some inspiration to become creative in their writing? Do you have a child who writes all the time but would be helped with some structure? This class is an opportunity to give your child individual creative writing instruction. Together we will set a schedule that works for you and for 5 weeks I will help your child develop skills that will be useful for the rest of their life.
The class will be a mix of 30 minute individual online classes and emails with feedback and instructions. Beware that the start date and the end that will be flexible for each student depending on when you choose to start. But the first date to start will be Thursday, March 30 and the class will end no later than Thursday, June 22.
Online Publishing: Blogs and Zines for the Savvy Teen
Mon Apr 3 - May 8 at 6pm PST
Ages 13-18, Online
We can always teach students how to be excellent writers. Yet more often than not, we neglect to teach them to be entrepreneurs, self-reliant publishers who are proud of what they write and want to share it with the world! While this class will definitely focus on fine-tuning their writing, it's devoted first and foremost to the world of online publishing. The best part? THEY pick their niche, their topic of interest, and what they want to write about (though with some parameters).
Through dynamic, step-by-step lessons that involve group discussions, collaboration, and reviewing some popular and respectable online publications, students will learn the following:
* How to upload and publish content via WordPress, one of the most used online platforms for blogs across the planet.
* HTML coding for images, footnotes, videos, and design elements.
* Content marketing skills such as how to write posts that will be more visible to online users.
* How to develop their own unique weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly "series," a widely popular trend in online publishing.
* How to become self-editors and craft expert pieces on their own.
* How to collaborate with other students to create awesome content!
The first half of each session will introduce new elements that they'll apply in the later half of the class. Some of these elements might be group writing sessions, browsing for nifty and interesting blogs, looking at HTML codes and how they work, and the like.
Students require no materials except for a pen (or pencil, whichever they prefer!) and a pad of notepaper. Each will be required to create their own WordPress account, which I'll help them out with!
Video chat in small groups is engaging, fun, and convenient
Hundreds of teachers, offering their favorite classes
Enrichment classes, core academics, fun: choose the mix for you
Here’s what parents are saying about Outschool:
“I seriously cannot say enough about this website. We have taken several classes and have had a great experience. For January alone we have 18 hours of classes and then I always add an extra 30 minutes after the class to discuss it.”
“Outschool is a great idea. I have a child who is in public school and we are looking for after/before school ideas to try new subjects or dig into areas of interest. The online options reduces the driving logistics.”
“The real live interaction works best and kids of all ages were able to critically think and discuss the issues together.”