14 Outdoor Labyrinths Around the Bay Area
/Local Outdoor Labyrinths
Labyrinths seems even more apt today than ever as we try to grapple ways to keep busy while social distancing. Moving through the labyrinth with perseverance and inspiration is calming and akin to a walking meditation. Plus children who experience labyrinths get a boost in motor development, creative thought and critical thinking skills. Happily, they are blissfully unaware of this and just see it as pure and simple FUN!
Bees N Blooms, 3883 Petaluma Hill Road Santa Rosa
Bernal Labyrinth, in the old quarry site on the southwest corner of Bernal Hill, San Francisco
California Pacific Medical Center Labyrinth, Pacific Heights
Community Congregational Church, 145 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon, magnificent view of San Francisco
Duboce Park, San Francisco
Grace Cathedral, Nob Hill, has an indoor and outdoor labyrinth
Hal Brown Park, Greenbrae
Land's End Labyrinth, San Francisco (may or may not be there)
Lake Merritt, Oakland
Marina Labyrinth, Berkeley Marina
Rodeo Beach, Marin Headlands, Sausalito, take the Rodeo Beach trail, veer left to the Coastal Trail from Rodeo Beach, through an old fence, under the beach tree tunnel, turn left.
Robert Louis Stevenson State Park, 4824 Lake County Hwy #4774, Calistoga
Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve, Berkeley Hills, look for the Mazzariello labyrinth and a heart-shaped maze on Volcanic Trail
Theological Seminary, 105 Seminary Rd, San Anselmo, has two types of labyrinths
There are a wide variety of labyrinths to appeal to different ages that range from fairly simple to quite difficult. Have fun seeking out ways to enjoy this outdoor, fun, pandemic-friendly activity with your kids wherever and however you choose. It is equally as fun for grownups as it is for kids.
* Some of the places mentioned are in places of worship and healing. Please make sure to be respectful of others who are using the labyrinths for meditation, religious, solace or therapeutic purposes. Follow all guidelines required during the pandemic.