KOIT's #1 DJ: Joey's Jingle All The Way - LISTEN LIVE
/I can’t wait for the man in the big red suit to rush in and relieve us all from the Covid fog we’ve been sitting in. When someone asks me if I get tired of listening to Christmas music all day playing it on 96.5 KOIT? I can assure you - NEVER! I can’t wait for us to flip the switch with Santa tomorrow at noon! (Listen live at KOIT.com/listen!)
Why yes. I am “that” crazy Christmas lady. The one who embarrasses her kids in the carline with a green elf jumper and Santa hat. The one who shows up to every event with red sequined Vans and striped socks for a whole month. It’s the magic of the season that gets me. I never even think about the things until it is time to find the things. Christmas isn’t about the things. It’s about the feelings. The love and spirit. Togetherness. Giving of ourselves to others that don’t have the gifts of life we have in our family.
When I was a kid my mom instilled in me a lifetime love in the spirit of Christmas. Not the presents but the decorations. The food. The family togetherness. And yes. Not one time did my mom spoil the magic. She always said to me when I questioned it “you have to believe to receive”. I totally believed her. And Santa? I am a mom to an 8 and 13 year old & I will never break the magic. I’m a true believer in the magic of Christmas. Why? Because how many times do your kids and yourself remember what you got for the holidays? How many times do you remember who you spent the holidays with?
So yes… the miracles in my family live long and proud. The stockings come with the oranges that I was raised with. I also remember I use to be annoyed just like my kids are. Why would Santa leave an orange in a stocking? It wasn't until I was older that I realized getting fresh fruit in a stocking was a luxury. Fresh fruit is expensive and a luxury for many.
When my mom was little growing up in a rural part of Kentucky, her family was raised on a tobacco farm with very little money. As I learned more about my mom, I also learned when she was 7 her house burned down on Christmas Day. She shared that she ended up giving her little sister her one and only Christmas present. My mom didn’t have a mom and her dad was much older and spent all his time on the farm to raise money for their family. My mom was raised with a life of little while my kids are being raised in a life of too much. Access to all the things. The fancy travel, watches and whatever number iPhone is the hottest. Don’t get me started on the Super73 electric bikes, though. The fact that I have to tell my son “don’t end up on NextDoor” when he leaves the house every morning with his fancy bike tells me the abundance is real. And it is my job to raise my kids to know and understand life outside of all the things.
Thanks for letting me share my motherhood with you. When I moved to the Bay Area a few years ago Ronnie’s list saved me on days when I had a little guy and nothing to do. So much so that I stalked Ronnie in the process! And I can tell you - Ronnie is 10x more awesome than her list! The fact that she just sent her baby off to college and she’s still working hard on her lists to save another mother says everything. My hope for you this holiday season is health. The biggest of all feelings of love. The opportunity to share the true spirit of Christmas with your families. And above all - a constant smile with 24/7 spirit on the Bay Area’s Official Christmas music station, 96.5 KOIT! And by all means… call me for your favorite holiday hit. I’d love to help you remember your childhood memories too. (And a shameless plug for Reality Moms where you can get way too many holiday gift ideas to go along with the batteries and on/off switch you’re looking for this holiday season! Plus, we have you covered at Reality Moms with the good, the bad and the funny parts of parenting. Remember though… the spirit isn’t in the things. It’s in your heart. Pass it along…..
About Joey Fortman
Joey is apart of the 96.5 KOIT family spreading Christmas joy to all who tune in. She is the proud mom of two hard core sports fans and founder of the go-to parenting website, Reality Moms, affectionately called Motherhood Unleashed: The good, the bad and the funny! After her own experience with postpartum depression, Joey has become a devoted advocate for maternal mental health. As a Travel, Tech and Toy Expert, Joey has made appearances on the Today Show, The Doctors, Dr. Oz & Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, The Talk and more. She has written lifestyle articles in Redbook, More Magazine and many other publications sharing her parenting wins and fails. Get social with Joey on Instagram and Facebook for a behind the scenes look in radio, online, parenting and motherhood.