A Virtual Family Guide to the Night Sky In the Bay Area


Skywatchers rejoiced the end-of-year treat in the sky known as the “Christmas Star”. You can still enjoy this vibrant planetary conjunction in the evening sky as the Jupiter and Saturn come together and continue the fascination of astronomy with your family.

Kids love looking up at the night sky. It's an easy first step in the field of science simply because all you have to do is step outside and look up. The stars, moon, and planets will inspire wonder and curiosity. By building off a child’s interests in space, you can foster a love of astronomy and cosmology for kids and the Bay Area has many great VIRTUAL opportunities to pique their astro-curiosity.


The Space Station Museum in Novato is now doing LIVE interviews on Social Media with astronauts and other space industry experts. Check our Instagram account @thespacestationmuseum and our Facebook page for announcements and schedules.


Mt. Tam Star Parties did not take place but you can view online sessions in 2020.

Learn MoreView the SFAA Monthly Lectures Online!

The SFAA has been recording many of the monthly club lectures and posting them online with the presenters’ permissions. To view the available online lectures, visit SFAA’s SlidesLive website.

You can also go to the Presidio Lectures page to view the details of the next monthly lecture.



Do you have any more Bay Area Astro-Tips? Please leave a comment.