If you take pictures, the best time to record the steam engines is in the morning when the temperature is lowest to show off the steam.
Dress in layers. We are only 7 miles from the Pacific Ocean and temperatures change quickly. Please consider wearing flat shoes. You will be walking on dirt, sawdust and uneven terrain. High-heals are discouraged.
Regarding dogs, there are many loud noises at the mill. Loud steam-whistles blow at odd times unexpectedly. In the past we have had issues with frightened dogs. Visitors have gotten tangled with leashes. Please respect the rules at our mill. No dogs allowed! This is a firm rule. Please do not ask when you get here.
No alcoholic beverages or recreational drugs allowed on the museum’s grounds.
We serve delicious hot lunches at very reasonable prices at our beautiful picnic grounds with seating for up to 200 people.
We look forward to “Stepping Back into History” with you on April 28-29th, June 16-17th, Sept. 15-16th and Oct. 20-21st.