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May the 4th be with you

Attention all rebels, scavengers, bounty hunters, princesses, farmboys, spies, Jedi, and scruffy looking nerf herders—Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you! 

We’ve searched the galaxy for Star Wars content especially for you. No need to jump to hyperspace. We have everything you need right here. This is the Way.

  • Launch your day with Yoda Yoga. Tune in to Facebook Live May 4 at 7am PST RSVP here.

  • Complete your training by following Master Yoda’s example. You’ll need your own set of Yoda ears. Make your own.

  • Create your own creature from a planet in a galaxy far, far away… Learn more.

  • Bring the stars inside with a DIY constellation viewer. Learn more.

  • Tune in to Facebook May 4 at noon hear from our Curator Ashley Hannum about our Star Wars collection.

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Later Event: May 4