Event description
Check in starts at 9:40
Boarding between 9:45-10:00 am
Ship departs shortly after 10 am
View the Blessing of the Fleet in Raccoon Straits
Join the Opening Day Parade in front of the St Francis Yacht Club
Sail in the Central Bay near the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and Angel Islands
Ship returns to pier just before 2:00 pm
Non alcoholic beverages
Gourmet sandwiches
Free parking is available in the US Army Corps of Engineer Bay Model Visitor Center Western side/back lot adjacent to Marinship Way. Parking may be limited in the Bay Model parking lot due to Sea Trek Kayaking and the Bay Model being very busy in the mornings and early afternoons. Spillover parking is available on Bridgeway, non metered all day spots
Check in begins 20 minutes before event starts
Please wait at the gate to the pier in front of Bay Model. A crew member will meet you there. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time as the ship will leave promptly at the start of the event.