Amazing Marin Girls Chorus Summer Singing Camps!

Amazing Marin Girls Chorus Summer Singing Camps!

Children start making music the day they’re born. Newborns experiment with their vocal cords, seeing what sounds they make. As they develop and learn how to use their voices, they start vocalizing, humming, and babbling, imitating sounds they hear around them. As they grow into toddlers and preschoolers, they start actively participating in the musical world around them. They’re already part of a choir!

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Marin Girls Chorus: All Kids Know How To Sing

Marin Girls Chorus: All Kids Know How To Sing

Children start making music the day they’re born. Newborns experiment with their vocal cords, seeing what sounds they make. As they develop and learn how to use their voices, they start vocalizing, humming, and babbling, imitating sounds they hear around them. As they grow into toddlers and preschoolers, they start actively participating in the musical world around them. They’re already part of a choir!

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Marin Girls Chorus: All Kids Know How To Sing

Marin Girls Chorus: All Kids Know How To Sing

Children start making music the day they’re born. Newborns experiment with their vocal cords, seeing what sounds they make. As they develop and learn how to use their voices, they start vocalizing, humming, and babbling, imitating sounds they hear around them. As they grow into toddlers and preschoolers, they start actively participating in the musical world around them. They’re already part of a choir!

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