Food Collection For SF-Marin Food Bank To Help Those In Need This Holiday Season
/28th Annual Town Center Corte Madera Food Drive
In an effort to help feed those in need this holiday season, please consider dropping-off non-perishable food items at the giant turkey display for the SF-Marin Food Bank to distribute to families in need this holiday season.
The demand for food donations has soared since the Coronavirus pandemic started. Currently, the SF-Marin Food Bank serves more than 60,000 households a week in San Francisco and Marin. Donating is easy, just bring your non-perishable food items and insert them under the giant turkey’s wing. The most needed food items include tuna, chicken and salmon in pop-top cans or tear-open pouches; canned meats; low sodium chilis and stews; and nut butters. Donations will be collected through December 31.
"The need for food donations is soaring this year, which makes this food collection drive even more important,” said Town Center Corte Madera’s General Manager Monty Stephens. “Each year, our community comes together and donates approximately 4,000 to 6,000 pounds of food during our annual food drive, which goes a long way to help those in need. We are hoping for a record year.”
SF-Marin Food Bank is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending hunger in San Francisco and Marin. More than 48 million pounds of food will be delivered this year to assist the 141,000 residents in need of food assistance each week in San Francisco and Marin.