Unleash Your Inner Scientist at The Bay Area Science Festival

The Bay Area Science Festival is a virtual celebration of STEM held October 21 – 25, 2020.

Scientists and educators from local colleges, museums and companies will uncover mysteries and explain discoveries in 125+ unique virtual experiences, including hands-on activities, behind the scenes facilities tours, stimulating presentations, and more, for adults and children of all ages. We are thrilled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Bay Area Science Festival by making our events accessible to students and educators around the globe.

The online Educator Resources has everything teachers and youth-serving organizations need to engage with the Bay Area Science Festival. Please download and share a flyer or postcard with students in your class. Join us by finding Festival events for K-12 teachers and students online.

We invite you to join more than 500,000 people who have attended the Festival since we started in 2011 to celebrate the Bay Area’s STEM successes and opportunities.

For more information visit BayAreaScienceFestival.org.