Sound the Shofar. It's Time to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah!
/This year, Rosh Hashanah begins Monday, September 6th and ends Wednesday, September 8th. Yom Kippur begins Wednesday, September 15th and ends Thursday, September 16th.
The Jewish new year of 5782 kicks off on Rosh Hashanah when people wish each other Shanah Tovah – a sweet new year! Together, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur make up the Jewish High Holidays with the ten days in between known as the “days of awe.”
Rosh Hashanah is often referred to as the birthday of the world. It’s a time to reflect, sing, pray, gather with loved ones, and of course, eat delicious apple treats and round challah.
The ten days beginning with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of Teshuvah (Ten Days of Returning) – turning away from our mistakes and returning to the “best self” we can be. We have a special opportunity to focus on our relationships, to say we’re sorry for things we’ve done wrong, and to discuss how to make our connections to family, friends, and community stronger.
Get ready to celebrate the Jewish New Year with these family-friendly resources from PJ Library Bay Area:
High Holidays @ Home
Resources For Families
Check out PJ Library’s Rosh Hashanah Hub and downloadable High Holidays Guide to explore ways for your family to connect with the High Holidays at home.
Local Nosh for Rosh Hashanah
A Sweet New Rosh Hashanah Playlist
Customs and Traditions
Get ready for a sweet new year. This short and sweet video offers an introduction to some of the customs of Rosh Hashanah.
About PJ Library Bay Area
PJ Library Bay Area has some great new resources this year that you can share with families.
Happy New Year and Shanah Tovah!! 🍯🍎🐝🍏
To learn more about PJ Library Bay Area, a program of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, follow @pjlibrarybayarea on Facebook and Instagram. Images used with permission.