October Awesome List
/Pick a Date To Play This October
Saturday, October 1, New Moon, Islamic New Year
Marin Color Run, Indian Valley College, Novato
Levi's Grandfondo, the Family Route is a great beginner option with virtually no climbing at all. Come partake in the fanfare of the mass-start, but turn back before the road pitches up.
Build a Fire Truck, 9am-12pm, ages 5-12, build a fire rescue plane, Home Depot.
Free Saturday Morning Yoga, 9–10am, Old Mill Park Amphitheater, Mill Valley.
The Creole United Festival, Civic Center, San Rafael.
Bay Day, events happening across th Bay Area to celebrate the Bay!
Pumpkin Patch Harvest Faire, 10am-6pm, Nicasio Valley Farms Pumpkin Patch.
Story Craft, 10a-10:30am, ages 2-8, South Novato Library.
Yoga in the Park, 10am–2pm, McNear's Beach, San Rafael.
Re:Make 2016, 10am-5pm, free, Shop Handmade Goods + Make Free DIY Projects, Festival Pavilion, San Francisco.
Family Fun Day: San Francisco Maritime Park, 10am, play team-building games such as Treasure Hunt, Walk the Plank, Cannonball Toss, and Swab the Decks! Come prepared to get a little wet, get your body moving, and have fun! Kids are invited to stay after the program and earn their Junior Ranger badge!
TarantulaFest & Barbecue, 10am-4pm, food, games, contests, entertainment, and enlightenment including a leisurely nature walk with a volunteer naturalist and search for tarantulas on the move, Henry Coe State Park.
Headlands Fall Art Adventure, 10:30am, look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy for inspiration, and then create our own ephemeral nature art by gathering natural objects to create amazing sculptures, Marin Headlands.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Fandango, 12-4pm, welcome autumn’s arrival as they did in 1840′s by experiencing the dance and music of a “Fandango”, Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park, 3325 Adobe Road.
Pinocchio, 1pm & 3:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, Fort Mason, San Francisco.
Winter's Tale, 2pm, McLaren Park, San Francisco.
Healthy Parks, Healthy People, 2-4pm, Presidio, San Francisco.
LEGO® Star Wars Rogue One Build Event, 4pm, age 8+, Barnes & Nobel, Corte Madera.
Film of the Month, 4pm, Pinocchio, every day except Tuesday, Walt Disney Museum.
Film in the Fog, 7pm, Pinocchio, Parade Grounds, Presidio, San Francisco.
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.
Sonoma County Harvest Fair, 4-9pm.
Shakespeare by the River, free, As You Like It, Foundry Wharf 2nd & H Street, Petaluma.
North Bay Drive-In, Addams Family, Rated PG-13, Old Hamilton Theater Building, Novato.
Suisun City Art, Wine, and Chocolate Festival
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, October 2, Rosh Hashanah
Super Awesome Fun Run, 9am-12pm, a family friendly 5k and 1 mile fun run, Super Hero Themed * Bubble Zone * Smile Mile * Finish Line Fun. Registration Required, Memorial Park, San Anselmo. Kids free with paid adult, use code AWESOME.
Pumpkin Patch Harvest Faire, 10am-6pm, Tim Cain every Sunday 11am-12pm, Nicasio Valley Farms Pumpkin Patch.
Green Gulch Farm Sunday Children’s Program, 10am, the beginning of the lecture is especially for children. After this short talk, children leave the zendo to participate in their own program. Activities include seasonal farm projects, mindfulness, yoga, contemplative handwork and ritual. Suggested donation $20.
Exploration Workshops: All About Don Pasquale, 11am–12pm and 12:30–1:30pm, ages 7+, Bryan Education Studio, San Francisco.
Y Bike Learn to Ride Program, 11am, Presidio, San Francisco.
Woofstock Benefit Music Festival, 12-5pm, fun-filled afternoon of dancing, food, and groovy times with Wonder Bread 5! Marin Humane Society, Novato.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Talons, A Festival Celebrating Birds of Prey, 12-3pm, Featuring: Multiple Species of Owls, Hawks, Eagles & Corvids on Display, Fun & Educational Talks, Kids Corner, Multiple Wildlife Organizations & Artists Food, Wine & More, Marin Art & Garden Center, Ross.
Pinocchio, 1pm & 3:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, Fort Mason, San Francisco.
Winter's Tale, 2pm, McLaren Park, San Francisco.
Screenagers: Growing Up In The Digital Age, Marin Covenant Church, San Rafael.
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.
Sonoma County Harvest Fair, 4-9pm.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, October 3, Rosh Hashanah
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Schultz Museum.
Film of the Month, 1pm Pinocchio & 3pm Alice in Wonderland, every day except Tuesday, Walt Disney Museum.
Tuesday, October 4, Rosh Hashanah, Blessing of the Animals
Respook! Rescare! Rewear! Halloween Costume Swap, 5-8pm, Donate a bag for free admission; No donation-$5/person or $15/familyLocation: Tam Valley Community Center, Mill Valley.
Jump & Dance with Jamie Currier, 11am, ages 2-5, Class meets October 4, 11, 18, Mill Valley Library.
Jeepers Creepers, 3:30pm, grades 1-2, Hear terrific tales, create wild and wonderful works of art and eat terrific treats! Registration required, Mill Valley Library.
Wednesday, October 5
Respook! Rescare! Rewear! Halloween Costume Swap, 5-8pm, Donate a bag for free admission; No donation-$5/person or $15/familyLocation: Tam Valley Community Center, Mill Valley.
Make & Create, 5-5:30pm, Novato Library.
Friday, October 7
Litquake, San Rafael.
Ohlone Big Time Gathering, three days of family fun filled with food, dancing, a singing competition, hand games, story telling and more, Rob Hill Campground, San Francisco.
Friday Fun Days, 5-5:30pm, South Novato Library.
Kids' Pajama Party with Eda Kaban!, 5-6pm, diesel, A Bookstore, Larkspur.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Kepler's Dream, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Creatures of the Night, 5pm, $60 per/adult and $40 per/child, includes catered dinner, We will be focusing on the animals that set the stage at night: the raccoons, owls, foxes, bobcats, and coyotes. Upon arrival, help feed our goats and sheep, put the chickens to bed, make a mask to wear of your favorite nocturnal creature, and embrace your inner animal in fun nature awareness games. Enjoy a catered dinner overlooking the ocean and finish the evening off with a guided night hike or howl at the moon with us at the Campfire Circle, Slide Ranch, Muir Beach.
Saturday, October 8
Dipsea Hike for Zero Breast Cancer
Litquake, San Rafael.
Costume Sale, 9am-12pm, kids costumes, free activities, crafts, pumpkin soup, goodies and more! The Children's Cottage Co-Op, Larkspur.
San Domenico Garden Faire, 10am-1pm, music, organic food, games, and treats made in the garden, San Anselmo.
Ohlone Big Time Gathering, three days of family fun filled with food, dancing, a singing competition, hand games, story telling and more, Rob Hill Campground, San Francisco.
Bon Air Invitational Car Show, 10am-4pm, More Than 100 Pristine Classic Cars, Music, Food and Children’s Entertainment, Greenbrae.
Indigenous Peoples Day, 10am-6pm, free, traditional dancing, music, crafts, food and more, Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park, Berkeley.
Story Craft, 10a-10:30am, ages 2-8, South Novato Library.
Conscious Family Festival, 10am-5pm, spiritual practices, tools, and wisdom from many traditions that can support parents, caregivers and children in creating consistently loving, nurturing, and non-violent environments for child-raising, Finley Community Center, Santa Rosa.
Star Wars Trilogy, A New Hope 11am, The Empire Strikes Back 2:30pm, Return of the Jedi 6:30pm, to commemorate the final days of the Century Cinema at Corte Madera.
The Big Draw Festival, 11am-4pm, free, The Walt Disney Family Museum, Presidio, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Officers Club, Presidio, San Francisco.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Oddball, Rafael Theater, San Rafael.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, 5@5, Sequoia, Mill Valley.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Miss Hokusai (Sarusuberi), Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Oktoberfest, 12-5pm, music, food and kids activities, Old Corte Madera Square, Corte Madera.
Star Party on Mt. Tam, 7:30p, Mill Valley.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, October 9
Final Pancake Breakfast, 9am-1pm, Enjoy your morning breakfast with breathtaking mountaintop views of San Francisco, West Point Inn.
Italian Heritage Parade & Festival, San Francisco.
Litquake, San Rafael.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, takes a look at Creatures of the Deep. Join us for classroom presentations, Docent-led tours, and more! Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Novato Fire District Open House, 10a-1p, See the fire engine in action! Demonstration using the Jaws of Life! Watch the fire truck extend the ladder! Take pictures with firefighters! See details and locations on website.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Molly Monster, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Poetry in Parks at Mountain Theater, 11am-5pm, free, shuttle is also free but reservations required.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Officers Club, Presidio, San Francisco.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, The 3D Sideshow, Rafael Theater, San Rafael.
Ohlone Big Time Gathering, three days of family fun filled with food, dancing, a singing competition, hand games, story telling and more, Rob Hill Campground, San Francisco.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, October 10, Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day
Litquake, San Rafael.
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Schultz Museum.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, 5@5, Rafael Theater, San Rafael.
Tuesday, October 11
Litquake, San Rafael.
Jump & Dance with Jamie Currier, 11am, ages 2-5, Class meets October 4, 11, 18, Mill Valley Library.
Jeepers Creepers, 3:30pm, grades 1-2, Hear terrific tales, create wild and wonderful works of art and eat terrific treats! Registration required, Mill Valley Library.
This Isn’t Complicated. It’s Just Not Easy: Talking to Your Teens About Sex, Specialized Trainings for Parents and Concerned Adults, 7-9pm.
Wednesday, October 12, Yom Kippur
Litquake, San Rafael.
Thursday, October 13
Litquake, San Rafael.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Kepler's Dream, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
The Hungry Owl Project, 6:30pm, ages 4+, meet ambassador owl, Buho and hear all about these nocturnal creatures, and learn about their super senses, RSVP to library@cityoflarkspur.org, Larkspur Library.
Friday, October 14
Litquake, San Rafael.
Changing the Future for Children, 8:15-9:15am, free, Hosted by Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Schools, Terrapin Crossroads, San Rafael.
Halloween Harvest Festival! 5-7pm, ages 2-12, Carnival Games, Pumpkin Carving and Decorating, Face Painting, Trick or Treat Bag Decorating, Carmel Apples, Bounce House, Marinwood Community Center, San Rafael.
Movies in the Park, 7pm, Inside Out, Old Mill Park, Mill Valley.
Earth's Dinosaur Zoo Live, 6:30pm, Luther Burbank Center, Santa Rosa.
Saturday, October 15
Goblin Jamboree, 10am-4pm, explore the haunted wonderland complete with games, attractions and live entertainment. Enroll in the witches’ school, take a train or pony ride, visit the petting zoo and enjoy a full brew of games, activities and live entertainment, Bay Area Discovery Museum.
Girls' Festival, 9am-5pm, Imagine a day of fun, exploration and empowerment for girls, Fort Mason, San Francisco.
Bay Area Pet Fair, Free admission (& parking), lots of free entertainment, giveaways, kid and dog activities PLUS more than 1,000 pets for adoption! Marin Civic Center.
Litquake, San Rafael.
Mountain School Apple Faire, 10am-1pm, ages 3-7, Carnival games, Prizes, Puppet Show, Fairy-Gnome maze, Kid-friendly crafts, gourmet sandwiches from Farm House, Apple home-baked treats and a cake/pie raffle, 50 El Camino Dr., Corte Madera.
International Archeology Day, 10am-3pm, bring your family to the Presidio to learn about the layered history of this special place. RSVP to archeology@presidiotrust.gov, San Francisco.
LEAP Sand Castle Contest, 10am-4pm, Ocean Beach, San Francisco.
Learn How to Pier Fish, 10am – 12pm, Paradise Beach Park, 3450 Paradise Dr, Tiburon.
Story Craft, 10a-10:30am, ages 2-8, South Novato Library.
Potrero Hill Festival, 11a-4p, enjoy local food vendors and artists, musicians, historians, homegrown entertainment and much more, 20th Street between Wisconsin and Missouri Streets, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Officers Club, Presidio, San Francisco.
Biketoberfest, 12-5pm, Family Fun Including Bike Decorating, Bike Carousel, Kids Bike Skills Zone and Face Painting! FairAnselm Plaza 765 Center Blvd. Fairfax.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, 5@5, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Youth Reel, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Kepler's Dream, Sequoia Theater, Mill Valley.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Floating Pumpkin Patch, 1:30-6pm, Dive for your pumpkin at Ridgeway Swim Center. $10 per person (includes a pumpkin). Enjoy a day filled with games, pumpkin decorating and pumpkin splashing fun for participants of all ages, Santa Rosa.
Jory John - Penguin Problems, 6pm, Book Passage, Ferry Building, San Francisco.
Pinocchio, 1pm & 3:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, Fort Mason, San Francisco.
Muir Woods After Dark, 5:30-7:30pm, ages 8+, Reservations required; call (415) 388-2596.
Headlands Nightlife: Family Night Hike & Campfire, 5:30-8pm, Explore the mysterious lifestyle of nocturnal animals that start their day just as you’re going to bed! NatureBridge, Sausalito.
North Bay Drive-In, The Birds, Rated PG-13, Old Hamilton Theater Building, Novato.
Trolly Dances, 11am-2:45pm, free with regular MUNI fare, tours leave every 45 minutes starting at 11:00 a.m. and ending at 2:45 p.m. from the Market St. Railway Museum, south of Embarcadero Plaza.
Harvest Festival, 11am-4pm, Cedar Rose Park, Berkeley.
Tolay Fall Festival, old-time, nature-based fun, Petaluma.
Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival, 9am-5pm.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, October 16, Full Moon
Goblin Jamboree, 10a-4p, Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito.
MALT Day, 10am-6pm, Tim Cain every Sunday 11am-12pm, Nicasio Valley Farms Pumpkin Patch.
Bay Area Pet Fair, Free admission (& parking), lots of free entertainment, giveaways, kid and dog activities PLUS more than 1,000 pets for adoption! Marin Civic Center.
Backpacking Basics, 10am – 12pm, all ages, informative workshop on the preparation, gear, and skills needed to enjoy a safe and memorable backpacking trip. Following the talk, we’ll hike some of the moderate trails of Mount Burdell, Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Sunday Streets, Excelsior.
Sunday Special: Alphabet Rockers, 11am, Mill Valley Library.
Trolly Dances, 11am-2:45pm, free with regular MUNI fare, tours leave every 45 minutes starting at 11:00 a.m. and ending at 2:45 p.m. from the Market St. Railway Museum, south of Embarcadero Plaza.
Presidio Picnic, food, lawn games, music and more, San Francisco.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Oddball, Lark Theater, Larkspur.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, The 3D Sideshow, Rafael Theater, San Rafael.
Mill Valley Film Festival, Family Films, Molly Monster, Rafael Theater, San Rafael.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Pinocchio, 1pm & 3:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, Fort Mason, San Francisco.
Shakespeare On Tour presents Twelfth Night, 2-4pm, RSVP required, Presidio Officers' Club, San Francisco.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Tolay Fall Festival, old-time, nature-based fun, Petaluma.
Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival, 9am-5pm.
Monday, October 17
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Schultz Museum.
Tuesday, October 18
Jump & Dance with Jamie Currier, 11am, ages 2-5, Class meets October 4, 11, 18, Mill Valley Library.
Jeepers Creepers, 3:30pm, grades 1-2, Hear terrific tales, create wild and wonderful works of art and eat terrific treats! Registration required, Mill Valley Library.
This Isn’t Complicated. It’s Just Not Easy: Talking to Your Teens About Sex, Specialized Trainings for Parents and Concerned Adults, 7-9pm.
Wednesday, October 19
FREE! New Moms' Tea (pre-crawling babies), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, an opportunity to discuss the joys and challenges of becoming a parent and to meet other new moms, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Get Your Young Child to Listen (1 - 6 years), 7:00 - 9:00 PM, local parenting author and educator Tom Limbert, MA, will help you better understand your child, instruct you about common parenting pitfalls, and provide concrete tips for communicating effectively with young children, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, SAP Center, San Jose.
Thursday, October 20
Bedtime Blues-Solving Your Child's Sleep Issues, 2:00 to 3:00 PM There is nothing more invigorating than a good night's sleep for parents and children--and nothing more frustrating than not getting it! Come and resolve your concern, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, SAP Center, San Jose.
Friday, October 21
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, SAP Center, San Jose.
Saturday, October 22
Bioneers Family Fair, 9a-6p, under 13, learn from some of the country’s top nature-inspired education masters and experience these spellbinding experiential education activities, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.
Visit to Point Bonita Lighthouse, 10am-12:30pm, RSVP required.
Story Craft, 10a-10:30am, ages 2-8, South Novato Library.
Presidio Nature Lab Walk - Welcome Back Monarchs: The 200th Anniversary, 10am-12pm, Presidio Officers' Club, San Francisco.
Presidio Pumpkin Carving Workshop, 11am-4pm, Main Parade Grounds, The Presidio, San Francisco.
Family Matinees, 11am, ages 5-12, provide a window into the exciting world of live jazz and feature amazing artists from around the globe! This month is The SFJAZZ Collective, SF Jazz Center, Miner Auditorium, San Francisco.
Wharf Fest, 11am-6pm, enjoy music and live entertainment, food and wine, a chowder competition, children’s rides, ship tours, street performers, art, fireworks, and more, Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Day of the Dead Paper Arts, 1pm, learn about some of the traditions behind the cultural celebration, build your own ofrenda to remember your loved ones, and create fun take home items like calavera, jaguar and butterfly masks, dancing skeleton puppets and paper marigolds! San Rafael Library.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, SAP Center, San Jose.
Boo Bash, 5:00-7:00PM - Trick or Treat down Tiburon's Main Street with our downtown merchants 6:00-9:00PM - Follow the jack-o-lantern lit trail to Belvedere Park for a carnival & movie in the park, “Hocus Pocus” beginning at 7pm sharp.
Not Afraid of the Dark Hike, 6 – 7:30pm, Dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes, and bring a flashlight or headlamp, Meet at the Roy’s Redwoods Loop trailhead on Nicasio Valley Rd in San Geronimo.
Spooky Sleepover Family Overnight, 5:30pm, ages 6+, family-friendly activities, pizza dinner, meeting with a zookeeper, scrumptious snacks, and a guided nighttime Zoo. In the morning you’ll wake to a slew of Zoo sounds before enjoying continental breakfast, San Francisco Zoo.
North Bay Drive-In, Puttin on the Ritz! Young Frankenstein, Rated PG, Old Hamilton Theater Building, Novato.
Tolay Fall Festival, old-time, nature-based fun, Petaluma.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, October 23
Bioneers Family Fair, 9a-6p, under 13, learn from some of the country’s top nature-inspired education masters and experience these spellbinding experiential education activities, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.
Bay Area Discovery Festival, 10:30a-4p, free, North Bay Discovery Day, Sonoma County Fairgrounds.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, takes a look at Creatures of the Deep. Join us for classroom presentations, Docent-led tours, and more! Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Presidio Pumpkin Carving Workshop, 11am-4pm, Main Parade Grounds, The Presidio, San Francisco.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Spooky Oreo Pops, 1-3pm, $55, Cake Art Supplies, San Rafael.
Skeletonfest, 1-3pm, free, make sugar skulls, screen print a T-shirt or flag (bring your own clothing or fabric), make a cool or scary mask, and enjoy the Dia de Muertos decor and snacks throughout the Art Center! New this year: Make pom-pom skulls and eyeballs, Richmond Art Center.
Infant and Child CPR (for expectant parents, parents, grandparents, and caregivers), 3:00 - 5:00 PM Learn to recognize an infant or child in distress, rescue measures for choking, CPR techniques, and infant sleep safety, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Trunk or Treat at the Center, 4:30-6pm, free, Bring your children to the Community Center Parking Lot for a fun, safe and community Halloween event! Face painting, Food Truck, Treating, Games & more! Mill Valley Community Center.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, SAP Center, San Jose.
Tolay Fall Festival, old-time, nature-based fun, Petaluma.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, October 24
Choosing the Right Preschool for Your Child (1 - 5 years), 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Understand different preschool philosophies and how to identify high-quality programs that match your needs. Learn the criteria to consider when choosing a program, what to look for during school tours, and tips for gaining admission into selective schools. With Cara Guyot, Parent Educator, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Schultz Museum.
Tuesday, October 25
Jeepers Creepers, 3:30pm, grades 1-2, Hear terrific tales, create wild and wonderful works of art and eat terrific treats! Registration required, Mill Valley Library.
Wednesday, October 26
For Dads Only: Effective Fathering (all ages), 7:00 - 9:00 PM, During this workshop, author and parent coach Tom Limbert will reveal how a father can walk the fine lines of discipline, respect, and support. Tom will use his book, Dad's Playbook: Wisdom for Fathers from the Greatest Coaches of All Time, as a framework for tackling the issues facing today's fathers, Parent Educator, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child (2 - 6 years), 7:00 - 9:00 PM, develop realistic developmental expectations, approaches to gaining cooperation and learn about setting appropriate boundaries for the child who sometimes requires "more", Parent Educator, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Thursday, October 27
Magician Brian Scott, 4pm, Belevedere Tiburon Library.
Creepy & Crawly! Traveling Reptile Show, 4pm, ages 4+, Creepies, meet lizards, chameleons, and other reptiles up close and personal, RSVP at library@cityoflarkspur.org, Larkspur Library.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Friday, October 28
Trunk or Treat, Mill Valley Community Center.
Scream on the Green Faire, 10am-5pm, Haunted House, Costume Contest, Music, Artisan Booths, Children's Play Area, Food & Beverages, Novato.
Super Natural Halloween Party, 6:30-9pm, Grab your costume and have yourself a ghoulishly great time trick-or-treating your way through the Academy at night—among spooky skulls and spine-tingling specimens! California Academy of Science.
Halloween Haunted House, 6:30-8pm, $55, Cake Art Supplies, San Rafael.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Saturday, October 29
Halloween Toddler Day, 10am-4pm, making costumes with recycled materials, face painting, taking a spooky tour of the Slide Ranch garden, investigating our worm compost, and cooking up some tasty treats in our outdoor kitchen, Slide Ranch, Muir Beach.
Story Craft, 10a-10:30am, ages 2-8, South Novato Library.
Bay Area Science Festival, 10am-4pm, learn the science behind animation, Schultz Museum, Santa Rosa.
Scream on the Green Faire, 10am-5pm, Haunted House, Costume Contest, Music, Artisan Booths, Children's Play Area, Food & Beverages, Novato.
Boo at the Zoo 10am-3pm, Stroll the Zoo in costume and collect yummy treats. Ride the spooky boo train and join the dance party. Plus, get your face painted, make treats for the animals, and see how the animals at Oakland Zoo celebrate Halloween. Kids in costumes receive a free ride ticket. Oakland Zoo.
Bay Area Discovery Festival, 10:30a-4p, free, East Bay Discovery Day, Cal State East Bay.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Officers Club, Presidio, San Francisco.
Halloween Bash, 11am-3pm, Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat, Pet Parade and Costume Contest at Woodlands Pet Food & Treats, Pumpkin decorating at Bank Of Marin, Live Music, Facepainting & Balloon twisting, Bon Air Center, Greenbrae.
Jeepers Jack-O-Lanterns, 11am-1pm, carving your own spooky Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween! A limited amount of pumpkins will be available (or you’re welcome to bring your own), McNears Beach Park, San Rafael.
Boo at the Zoo, 11am-4pm, a "not-too-spooky" Halloween family festival where you can trick-or-treat around the Zoo and see the animals enjoy pumpkin treats, San Francisco Zoo.
Horse Hollow, 12am-5pm, live band, horse painting for children and families, a BBQ, and a show including a headless horseman, Presidio Riding Club, Marin Headlands-Fort Barry, Building 901-Bunker Road, Sausalito.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Pirates in the House! Aargh, 12pm & 3pm, Come dressed as your favorite Scallywag,eat, drink and be merry with ourpirate crew. Join our pirates for a feastto remember, a treasure hunt, and a great time! Falkirk Mansion, San Rafael.
San Raphael School Halloween Festival and Haunted House, 12-4pm, San Rafael.
Pup Parade, 1pm, George, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Woodland Pet Food Halloween DOGtoberfest & Costume Contest, 3-6, interactive-pet related resources including free pet photos, pet sketch artist, animal rescue organizations, a police K-9 unit, pet games, clinics and workshops, a pet psychic plus Trick-or-Treating and our famous Pet Costume Contest to benefit a local Animal Rescue organization, My favorite sweets shop, SweetE, will have several delicious, organic chocolate and fruity at the Mill Valley event! Strawberry Village, Mill Valley.
HallowScreen! 4pm, a special selection of Disney spooky cartoon shorts including The Skeleton Dance, Pluto's Judgment Day, The Mad Doctor, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and more! Walt Disney Museum, San Francisco.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Howl-o-ween, they also have a Kid Zone, The Treasure Island Flea.
Graveyard Stroll, 7pm, uncovers one of Marin’s most interesting, but little known cemeteries. All treats (and tricks) are free. Marin County Parks Lucas Valley Field Office in San Rafael.
Pumpkins on Pikes, 2–10 pm enjoy great food, music, and pumpkin carving. Display your jack-o-lantern on a pike in the corn field. When the sun goes down the pumpkins are lit, Tara Firma Farms, Petaluma.
Jack O’Lantern Jamboree, Children's Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, October 30, New Moon, Diwali
Halloween Free Day, Exploratorium.
STEAM Saturdays, 11am, ages 3-6, register at 415-485-3322, San Rafael Library.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Officers Club, Presidio, San Francisco.
Halloween Faire, 11am-12:30pm, Come in costume to celebrate All-Hallows-Eve with other wizards, witches, ferries, astronauts and cartoon characters. Play carnival games, bounce in the jump house, enjoy the candy & prize hunt and costume parade! Strawberry, Mill Valley.
Halloween Hoopla, 12-1:30pm, Unique Derique, Venezuelan Music Project, Pi Clowns, palm reader Madam Z, crafting with Trash Mash-Up and the Children’s Creativity Museum, games, photo booth and parade! Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, San Francisco.
Hawk Talk & Banding Demo, 12-2pm, Hawk Hill, Sausalito.
Kids Costume Contest & Trick-or-Treating, 1pm, pumpkin decorating with the princess at The Poppy Store, Marin County Mart, Larkspur.
5th Annual Spooktacular Halloween Party & Trick or Treat Parade, 1-5pm, Japantown, San Francisco.
Hallowscreen!, 3pm, selection presents The Skeleton Dance, Pluto's Judgment Day, The Mad Doctor, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and more! Walt Disney Museum.
Disney On Ice: Passport to Adventure, Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy on a journey to the magical worlds of Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Disney’s Frozen, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Jack O’Lantern Jamboree, Children's Fairyland, Oakland.
Boo at the Zoo 10am-3pm, Stroll the Zoo in costume and collect yummy treats. Ride the spooky boo train and join the dance party. Plus, get your face painted, make treats for the animals, and see how the animals at Oakland Zoo celebrate Halloween. Kids in costumes receive a free ride ticket. Oakland Zoo.
Papermill Creek Halloween Carnival, 11am, ghoulish games, freaky fun, and gourmet food prepared by famous chefs going head to head for the title of Papermill Master Chef, Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station.
Boo at the Zoo, 11am-4pm, a "not-too-spooky" Halloween family festival where you can trick-or-treat around the Zoo and see the animals enjoy pumpkin treats, San Francisco Zoo.
Kids Costume Contest & Trick-or-Treating, 1, pumpkin decorating with the princess at The Poppy Store, Marin County Mart, Larkspur.
HallowScreen! 3pm, a special selection of Disney spooky cartoon shorts including The Skeleton Dance, Pluto's Judgment Day, The Mad Doctor, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and more! Walt Disney Museum, San Francisco.
Celebrate Halloween, 3-5pm, costume party celebration with The JAMband, Park Chalet, San Francisco.
Howl-o-ween, they also have a Kid Zone, The Treasure Island Flea.
Monday, October 31, Halloween
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Schultz Museum.
Hallowscreen!, 3pm, selection presents The Skeleton Dance, Pluto's Judgment Day, The Mad Doctor, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and more! Walt Disney Museum.
Halloween Sausalito, 5–5:30pm, child friendly Haunted House, BBQ, trick-or-treat, dog costume contest and more, Sausalito City Hall.