March Awesome List
Sunday, March 1
The Great Baby Romp, 9:30am-1pm, Bay Area Discovery Museum.
Nature for Kids: Indian Valley, 10am-1pm, learn about the frogs, toads, salamanders, and insects that live in the ponds at the upper end of the valley, and then we’ll walk up to the waterfall, which is a perfect place to enjoy lunch and let the kids explore the shallow pools, College of Marin Indian Valley Campus in Novato (1800 Ignacio Blvd).
Children’s Program at Green Gulch, 10am.
The Reading Together Book Group, 10:30-11:30am, ages 8-10, reading "Fortunately the Milk", diesel, a Bookstore, Larkspur.
Purim Palooza, 11:30am-2:30pm, face painting, carnival, Buki the Clown, music and more, Osher Marin JCC, San Rafael.
Marin County Pride Minor League Football Fun, 10am-2pm, autographs, games, giveaways and more, Northgate Mall, San Rafael.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Hinokio, 1pm, captivating family feature from Japan, 11 year-old Satoru becomes withdrawn after he loses his mother in a devastating auto accident. His dad, a famous scientist, creates an advanced remote-controlled robot named Hinokio, so that Satoru can stay home but still attend school through his robotic surrogate, Smith Rafael Theatre, San Rafael.
Creative Family Fun: Japanese Carp Kites, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Presidio Officers Club, San Francisco.
Children's Story time, 10:30am, ages 4-8, Girls Grow in the Garden, San Francisco Botanical Gardens.
Film of the Month, Silly Symphonies, 1:30pm & 4pm, The Walt Disney Museum, San Francisco.
San Francisco History Expo, 11am-4pm, The Old Mint, San Francisco.
Bob Marley's Three Little Birds, 11am & 2pm, Children's Creativity Museum, San Francisco.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
Off the Grid Picnic, 11am-4pm,Presidio, San Francisco.
ZimZoom Family Room Puppet Show, 11:30am-2pm, Contemporary Jewish Museum.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Berkeley Playhouse.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland
Disney on Ice presents Let's Celebrate, 11am, 3pm & 7pm, Use the passcode 'MOM' and save 40% on tickets to any show Monday through Friday and save 20% on tickets to any show on Saturday or Sunday, Oakland Arena.
Monday, March 2, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, National Read Across America Day
Jump and Dance with Jamie Lee Currier, 11-1145am, ages 2-5, Your Song My Song rocks classic kids’ songs and funky originals on her ukulele. With felt board puppetry and imagination adventures she leads the kids in a magical, interactive exploration, please RSVP, Mill Valley Library.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Read Across America, 7pm, Barnes & Noble, Corte Madera.
Proven Solutions to Puzzling and Challenging Behaviors: Part 1, 7-9pm, for parents of children 1 - 7 years, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Tuesday, March 3
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 3:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
LEGO Free Play, 3:30pm, San Anselmo Library.
Hands-on Storytime for School-aged Children, 3:30pm, ages 5-8, themed storytime, followed by a related activity or craft, Corte Madera Library.
IHOP Pancake Day, free short stack
Wednesday, March 4
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 2:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Make Finger Puppets, 3-4:30pm, Sausalito Library.
"The Dragon of Krakow" & "Tops and Bottoms", 3:30pm, enjoy 2 lively folk tales by Activated Story Theatre, Larkspur Library.
Bedtime Concert, 7pm, Gerry Tenney and Will Fudeman present a pajama sing-along, bedtime concert for ages 4 to 84, Fairfax Library.
Choosing the Right Preschool for Your Child (1-5 years), 7-8:30pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Thursday, March 5, Purim, Full Moon
"The Dragon of Krakow" & "Tops and Bottoms", 4pm, enjoy 2 lively folk tales by Activated Story Theatre, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Sunset/Full Moon Walk to the Point Bonita Lighthouse, 5:30-7pm.
Alison Gopnik: Childhood & Creativity, 6-7pm, Children's Creativity Museum, San Francisco.
SFUSD Arts Festival Community Celebrations, 5-8pm, Asian Art Museum.
Friday March 6
Sing & Dance with Miss Kitty, 10:30-11:15am, San Rafael Library.
Kids' Pajama Party with Deborah Underwood, 6pm, diesel, A Bookstore, Larkspur.
San Francisco Giants World Championship Trophy Tour, 6-8pm, San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 7pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Robot Planet Rising, 8pm, An Intergalactic Nemesis Live-Action Graphic Novel, Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley.
Saturday, March 7, Chinese New Year Parade
Novato Mothers Club Annual Rummages & Bake Sale, 9am-3pm, Downtown Novato Recreation Center.
Mt. Tam Turtle Observer Training, 9am-12pm, ages 8+, Lake Lagunitas.
Mt. Tam Trail Crew, 9am-2pm, ages 13+.
Learn how to build Bookends, 9am-12pm, Home Depot.
Family Fun: Spring Wake-Up, 10am – 1pm, enjoy a spectacular spring morning on a one-mile family walk followed by a Health Hub with Zumba, nutrition education, taste-tests and healthy food to go, McInnis Park, 310 Smith Ranch Rd, San Rafael.
Learn to Saltwater Fish at McNears, 10am – 12pm, join rangers to learn how to fish on the San Pablo Bay, McNears Beach Park, 201 Cantera Way, San Rafael.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Sandwiches & Wraps, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
College of Marin Stewardship Day, 10am-1pm, help save the endangered Mission blue butterfly. Volunteer events include a combination of hands-on service and short natural or cultural history lessons. Come lend a hand!
MV Code Club: Intro to Scratch, 11am, ages 9+, Larkspur Library.
STEAM Saturdays, 11-11:45am, ages 3-6, What your Nose Knows, San Rafael Library.
Infant and Child CPR, 11am-1pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Headlands Art Adventure, 11am-12:30pm, gather natural objects among the eucalyptus groves or on the beach to create amazing sculptures, RSVP requested, Point Bonita YMCA, Sausalito.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Nike Missile Site, 12:30-3:30pm, restored Cold War anti-aircraft missile site has intriguing stories to tell.
Charlotte's Web, 1pm & 3pm, adapted to stage and performed by Masque Unit of Marin, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Zio Ziegler Shoe Release Party, 1-5pm, meet local artist Zio as he participates in art projects, sign items, live music, food, drinks, and the Proof Lab team riders will be skating at this family friendly event, Proof Lab, Mill Valley.
Mt. Tam History Walk, 1:30pm, Enjoy spectacular, panoramic views and learn about the fascinating history of Mt. Tam on a 0.7-mile walk on the Verna Dunshee trail.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
Read to a Dog, 2-3pm, Corte Madera Library.
Healthy Parks, Healthy People, 2-4pm, Presidio, San Francisco.
Celebrate Dr. Seuss! 10:30am-3pm, Children's Creativity Museum, San Francisco.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Nature Bookmarks, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Presidio Officers Club, San Francisco.
Shadow Puppet Performance & Workshop, 2pm, age 7+, free, RSVP required, Presidio, San Francisco.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Kids Cowpoke Carnival, 11am-2pm, McKinley School, Petaluma.
Whale Festival, Mendocino
Sunday, March 8, Daylight Savings Time Begins
Beginning Birding, 9:30-11:30am, ages 8+, Rodeo Lagoon.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, I Spy Marine Mammals, Tracking Seals and Whales, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Sunday Special: James Henry, 11-11:45am, Reggae, Soca, Afro Cuban, Samba Funk, and Hip Hop. Experience a new, fresh, modern style that exudes postive energy! Mill Valley Library.
Bay Club Ross Valley Summer Camp Open House, 12-3pm, learn more about our kids programming, tennis, swim, camps etc. There will be food, drinks, bouncy house, the WIBIT will be up, games and activities for kids.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Charlotte's Web, 1pm & 3pm, adapted to stage and performed by Masque Unit of Marin, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
A Royal Tea Party, 1:30-3:30pm, with Princesses Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella, Anna & Elsa, the Poppy Store, Larkspur.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
Sunday Streets, Embarcadero.
Acrobatics and Juggling with EarthCapades Environmental Vaudeville, 11am, Randall Museum, San Francisco.
Chinese New Year Community Street Fair
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
Super Fun Sundays: Animal Purim with Randy Kaplan, 10-11:30am, Contemporary Jewish Museum.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Whale Festival, Mendocino
Monday, March 9
Jump and Dance with Jamie Lee Currier, 11-1145am, ages 2-5, Your Song My Song rocks classic kids’ songs and funky originals on her ukulele. With felt board puppetry and imagination adventures she leads the kids in a magical, interactive exploration, please RSVP, Mill Valley Library.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Tuesday, March 10
JAMaROO Music Time Plus UrbanSitter Meet & Greet (9mo-4yr), 9:30-11am, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Nature Journaling 101, free, 10-11:30am, learn the fundamentals of keeping a nature journal, Richardson Audubon, Tiburon.
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 3:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Hands-on Storytime for School-aged Children, 3:30pm, ages 5-8, themed storytime, followed by a related activity or craft, Corte Madera Library.
Andrew Smith, author of The Alex Crow, 6:30pm, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child (2-6 years), 7-9pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Wednesday, March 11
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 2:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
LEGO Club, 3-4:30pm,ages 3+, Sausalito Library.
Crossroads Music School Free Concert, 5:30pm, Sweetwater, Mill Valley.
Raising Boys, 7-9pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Thursday, March 12
Creativity Forum, 11am, How to Spark Innovation and Creative Thinking in Children and Why This Matters for Success Later in Life, benefit for the Bay Area Discovery Museum, The Fairmont, San Francisco.
Friday March 13
Sing & Dance with Miss Kitty, 10:30-11:15am, San Rafael Library.
Class Dismissed, 2pm, free, a movie about learning outside of the classroom, Golden Gate Learning Center, 912 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
Mary Poppins, 7:30pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 7pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Saturday, March 14
"Three Little Birds", 10am, 12pm & 5pm, Marin Theatre Company, Mill Valley.
Ocean Exploration Family Farm Day, 10am-2pm, Slide Ranch.
Roll at Rush Creek, 10am – 12pm, join Ranger Ian McLorg for a morning ride along the marsh at Rush Creek Preserve. This activity is moderate. Wear comfortable athletic clothing and sturdy shoes. Don’t forget to bring water and your bike. We will provide healthy snacks. Meet at Pinheiro Fire Rd gate on Binford Rd in Novato.
Saint Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt, 10am-2pm, Downtown Novato.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Pancake Party!, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
STEAM Saturdays, 11-11:45am, ages 3-6, Science of Music and Sound, San Rafael Library.
Lilly & Audrey Andrews - Cooking Light We Heart Cooking! 12:30pm, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
For the Kid in You, 1-3pm, Children's Ice Cream Social and Auction Preview, Willow Creek Academy Benefit, Sausalito.
Read to a Dog, 1-2pm, Mill Valley Library.
Mary Poppins, 1pm & 5pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Kids LEGO Club, 1-2pm, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Towering Trees of Muir Woods, 1:30-2:30pm, RSVP 388-2596.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
Seashore Explore, 6-8:30pm, Together we’ll sort through rainbow sands, learn how rocks are formed, and dive into the world of marine animals that call the shoreline home, Sausalito.
Presidio Birdlife, 9:30-11:30am, RSVP required, San Francisco.
Pi Day, Exploratorium Free Day
Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival, 10am-12pm, inspire kids to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving, William Cobb Elementary School, 2725 California Street, San Francisco.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
Music for Families: Let's Go!, 2pm, ages 7+, San Francisco Symphony.
Candlelight Tour, 6:30-8pm, RSVP required, Fort Point, San Francisco.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Whale Festival, Little River
Sunday, March 15
Marin Summer Activities & Camp Fair, 10am-1pm, free pizza lunch, Dominican University, San Rafael.
America's Funniest! Cowgirl Tricks with Karen Quest! 11:30am, Kanbar Center for the Performing Arts200 North San Pedro Rd. San Rafael.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Mary Poppins, 3pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Art of the Saunter, 1-3pm, walk from Presidio to Golden Gate and reflect on the art that evokes the spiritual side of this national park.
Beauty and the Beast, 2pm & 4:30pm, Young Performers Theatre, San Francisco.
42nd Street, Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley.
AXIS Dance Workshop, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco.
Down Home Music Time, 12:30-1pm, Contemporary Jewish Museum.
Children's Story time, 10:30am, ages 4-8, Girls Grow in the Garden, San Francisco Botanical Gardens.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Sunday Sampler, 1pm, free, sample 3-4 classes at the Berkeley Rep.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Whale Festival, Little River
Monday, March 16
Jump and Dance with Jamie Lee Currier, 11-1145am, ages 2-5, Your Song My Song rocks classic kids’ songs and funky originals on her ukulele. With felt board puppetry and imagination adventures she leads the kids in a magical, interactive explration, please RSVP, Mill Valley Library.
St. Patrick's Day Stories with Maureen Kalbus, 3:30pm, San Anselmo Library.
Positive and Effective Discipline: A Crash Course, 6:30-8:30pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Sleep Savvy, 7-8:30am, Peekadoodle, San Francisco.
Tuesday, March 17, Saint Patrick's Day
Captain Chalupa is an Irish band featuring Marla Fibish on a national-quality Irish mandolin, Dave Cory on tenor banjo, and Lewis Santer accompanying them on guitar and bouzouki, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 3:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Hands-on Storytime for School-aged Children, 3:30pm, ages 5-8, themed storytime, followed by a related activity or craft, Corte Madera Library.
Persian New Year Festival, 6-10pm to shake off the darkness of winter and welcome the lightness of spring, Persian Center, 2029 Durant Avenue, Berkeley.
Wednesday, March 18
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 2:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Read to a Dog, 3-4pm, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Superhero Antics, 3-4:30pm, test your superpowers, eat some powerful snacks, and –if you’re lucky—help save the library from evil doers, Sausalito Library.
Thursday, March 19
Farm Day, 9am-12pm, free, hands-on educational experiences outside the classroom. Meet more then 30 ranchers, farmers and educators, on agriculture, farms, animals and more, Marin Civic Center.
Electrifying Fun for Kids, 4pm, 3-5 grade, San Rafael Library.
Friday March 20, March Equinox, New Moon
Sing & Dance with Miss Kitty, 10:30-11:15am, San Rafael Library.
Tik-Tok of Oz, 7pm, presented by Marin Primary & Marin Middle School students, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Mary Poppins, 7:30pm, San Rafael Community Center.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 7pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Saturday, March 21
Shoe Tying Class, 9-9:30am, ages 5+, Nordstrom, Corte Madera.
Circling Beautiful Lake Lagunitas, 10am-12:30pm, Wildcare.
Sheep to Shawl Family Farm Day, 10am-2pm, Slide Ranch.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Easter Baking, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
STEAM Saturdays, 11-11:45am, ages 3-6, Fun in the Pond, San Rafael Library.
Mary Poppins, 1pm & 5pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Tik-Tok of Oz, 1pm & 7pm, presented by Marin Primary & Marin Middle School students, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
The Outer Space from Open Space, 7 – 9:30pm, identify the major constellations and talk about the legends behind them. Dress in layers and wear sturdy shoes. Don’t forget to bring binoculars or a telescope, flashlight, blankets, water, and star charts if you have them. We will provide hot chocolate and snacks. Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Pamela Rose & Allison Miller, 11am, celebrating the women on Jazz, SFJAZZ Center, San Francisco.
DIY Go-Kart Making, 1-3pm, ages 7+, Children's Creativity Museum.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Whale Festival, Fort Bragg
All Things Being Equal - a celebration of numbers at CuriOdyssey! 10am-4pm, explore math concepts in unconventional ways – engineer and build structures, draw with a Spirograph, create your own music with our new Tambour Beat science exhibit, & more. No calculators needed!
Sunday, March 22
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, I Spy Marine Mammals, Tracking Seals and Whales, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Ken Adams Adventure Theater, 11am-12pm, Mill Valley Community Center.
Tiburon Peninsula Little League Opening Day Parade, 11am, Tiburon.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Tik-Tok of Oz, 1pm, presented by Marin Primary & Marin Middle School students, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Mary Poppins, 3pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Anya Kamenetz - The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing, But You Don't Have to Be, 4pm, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Superstar Ventriloquist Steve Chaney and his puppet partner Cornelius Crowe, 11am, Randall Museum, San Francisco.
Beyond Dinosaurs! 12-2pm, Paleontology educator Susan Liebl leads a series of hands-on activities, including the excavation of fossils in the field, art projects that blend imagination with science, and live music with movement, Paxton Gate's Curiosity for Kids, San Francisco.
Patchwork Series: Frances England, 11am, Freight & Salvage, Berkeley.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Osher Studio, Berkeley.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Whale Festival, Fort Bragg
Monday, March 23
Jump and Dance with Jamie Lee Currier, 11-1145am, ages 2-5, Your Song My Song rocks classic kids’ songs and funky originals on her ukulele. With felt board puppetry and imagination adventures she leads the kids in a magical, interactive exploration, please RSVP, Mill Valley Library.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Tuesday, March 24
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 3:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Hands-on Storytime for School-aged Children, 3:30pm, ages 5-8, themed storytime, followed by a related activity or craft, Corte Madera Library.
LEGO Free Play, 3:30pm, San Anselmo Library.
Bay Area Science Fair, Randall Museum
Wednesday, March 25
Serpents, Sirens & Silly Sea Creatures, 2:30pm, 1-2 grades, Mill Valley Library.
Afternoon Movie, 3pm, Sausalito Library.
Marissa Moss, author of Amelia's Notebook series, 3:30pm, San Anselmo Library.
Thursday, March 26
Teaching The Value of Money To Children of All Ages, 11:30am-1:30pm, Learn fun tricks and practical tips to teach your children, at every age, the value of a dollar and why earning and saving is so important (even when your 5), Email to RSVP! LUNCH PROVIDED! Space Limited! Wells Fargo Branch-San Rafael.
Sam Bartlett's Stunology, 4pm, Learn about pointless techniques to amuse yourself, amaze your friends and annoy everyone else using everyday objects! Corte Madera Library.
Electrifying Fun for Kids, 4pm, 3-5 grade, San Rafael Library.
Friday, March 27
Sing & Dance with Miss Kitty, 10:30-11:15am, San Rafael Library.
Family Biking Workshop Series, 3:30-5:30pm, contact Peggy Clark at or call 456-3469, 8#, Mill Valley Middle School.
PAAM Presents Mary Poppins, 7pm, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Wizard of Oz, 7pm, San Marin High School.
Saturday, March 28, Earth Hour
Spring Eggstravaganza, 8:30am-12pm, breakfast $4/$6, egg hunt is free, Mill Valley Community Center.
Easter Bunny Breakfast 9-10am, benefit Dedication to Special Education, enjoy a delicious breakfast while meeting the Easter Bunny, music by Tim Cain, balloon animals, and more! $8 Per person, seating is limited, RSVP by calling 924-8921, The Cheesecake Factory, The Village at Corte Madera
Aramburu Island Enhancement, 9am – 12pm, ages 12+, Volunteer work is mildly strenuous and involves bending, pulling, and kneeling, Richardson Bay Audubon Center, Greenwood Beach Rd, Tiburon.
Easter Egg Hunt, 10-11am, ages 3-10, egg hunt, live entertainment by Jeremy the Juggler, balloon art, snacks, and more! Northgate, Oak Plaza, San Rafael.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Eggs-cellent Eggs, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Ring Mountain Grassland Restoration, 10am – 1pm, All skill levels are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. All ages are welcome. Meet at the gate at the end of Taylor Rd in Tiburon.
STEAM Saturdays, 11-11:45am, ages 3-6, Dinosaurs, San Rafael Library.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Mary Poppins, 1pm & 5pm, San Rafael Community Center.
Easter Egg Hunt, 1-2pm, RSVP required, Goodman's, Mill Valley.
Sleeping Beauty, 1pm & 5pm, The Playhouse, San Anselmo.
Pan: Adventures in Neverland, 2pm, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Sprout is Turning 1! 3-5pm, Balloon Animals, Face Painting,Food, music & Fun as we celebrate! Sprout, Mill Valley.
PAAM Presents Mary Poppins, 7pm, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Wizard of Oz, 7pm, San Marin High School.
Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs, 12-2pm, benefit Muttville Senior Dog Rescue! eggs filled with treats and prizes, local vendors, Easter Bunny photos, and more. Sharon Meadow, Golden Gate Park, Old Speedway Meadow, San Francisco.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Book Buddies, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officers' Club.
Candlelight Tour, 6:30-8pm, RSVP required, Fort Point, San Francisco.
Albany Preschool Spring Fair, 10am-2pm, Memorial Park, Albany.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Sunday, March 29
Wildflowers to Waterfalls, 9am – 12:30pm, short hike through Cascade Canyon Preserve, ending with a chance to photograph one on Marin’s best waterfalls. We’ll explore the photo possibilities along the way including colorful wildflowers, bubbling creeks and unique flora. We’ll also talk about the steelhead that inhabit San Anselmo Creek. Doc Edgar Park Cascade Dr, Fairfax.
Family Connections, 9:30-11:30am, Learn about Passover through music, art, cooking and parent education. Open to all faiths and non-members! Marin JCC, San Rafael.
McInnis Skate Park Spruce-up, 10am – 1pm, all ages, McInnis Park, 310 Smith Ranch Rd, San Rafael.
Model Matzah Bakery, 10am, grind and sift flour, mix, knead, roll, bake and enjoy your very own fresh matzah! Chabad Jewish Center, Novato.
The Reading Together Book Group, 10:30-11:30am, ages 8-10, reading "Fleabrain Loves Franny", diesel, a Bookstore, Larkspur.
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
PAAM Presents Mary Poppins, 1pm, Showcase Theater, San Rafael.
Sleeping Beauty, 1pm & 5pm, The Playhouse, San Anselmo.
Wizard of Oz, 2pm, San Marin High School.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 11am & 2pm, ages 8+, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Book Buddies, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officers' Club.
Pre-Ballet Trial Class, free, ages 4-7, registration required, San Francisco Ballet.
Shattered Circus, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland.
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland, 3pm, Schultz Museum.
Monday, March 30
Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour, 12:30-3:30pm.
Museum Monday for Little Ones, 10am-Noon, Charles Schultz Museum.
Tuesday, March 31
Nature for Kids: Mount Burdell, 10am – 1pm, Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Hands-on Storytime for School-aged Children, 3:30pm, ages 5-8, themed storytime, followed by a related activity or craft, Corte Madera Library.
Digital Generation: How Technology is Shaping Our Youth, 6:30pm, Jim Steyer, CEO and Founder of Common Sense Media, one of the most respected experts on issues related to children's media and education in the U.S. Mill Valley Community Center.