Gingerbread Houses
/Celebrate the holiday with a festive gingerbread house! Nothing makes a more impressive centerpiece and kids have an amazing time decorating with candy.
Gingerbread Architecture Extravaganza, November 29 & November 30, we'll provide a kit for you and your family with everything you need to construct a creative holiday home, including gingerbread house pieces, icing and festive holiday candies. Make sweet memories and we'll clean up the mess! Cost per kit is $20 (Museum admission for non-members is not included), Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito.
Gingerbread Builders, open on November 21st, Bon Aire Shopping Center, Suite #302, Greenbrae.
Tiburon Holiday Festival, December 6, visit with Santa, roasted chestnuts, gingerbread house decorating and tree lighting.
Gingerbread House Decorating Party, December 10-11, Terrapin Crossroads, San Rafael.
Gingerbread Dog House, December 13-14, Assemble and decorate Snoopy’s doghouse out of gingerbread complete with a marshmallow Snoopy on top, Schultz Museum, Santa Rosa.