Perinatal Event and Opportunities
/The perinatal world (which can include everything from trying to conceive to a good extended time after one’s baby is born) is very active in Marin County. If this describes you, below is a list of classes and events you may well want to know about. Each event has a description and contact for more information.
Moms Circle
New mom's, old mom's, all moms! Come for a free mothers circle to share and connect. Lead my your local midwife Amber Pearson LM/CPM.
Feel alone? Want community? Join us for a mothers circle where we will share and listen to others on their journey through motherhood. Little ones welcome.
DONA Int'l Birth Doula Training Workshop
April 21-23, 2023, 9:00 AM
Workshop to prepare to be a birth doula. Accepted by Medi-Cal as an approved training. Hands-on, in person, deep dive into the art and science of doula support. Held at the Santa Rosa Birth Center.
Mt Tam Mamas Walk n Talk
April 27, 10:00 AM
Meet up with Postpartum Doula Annie Stephenson of Mt Tam Mamas for a chance to connect with specialists in the perinatal community and other Marin mamas during a monthly walk n talk. This month Annie is joined by sleep consultant Linden Plumley of Team Sleep Baby Sleep to discuss laying the foundation for healthy sleep habits in your baby's first year, and will help you trouble shoot any sleep challenges you may be facing. After the talk, we will continue to the opportunity for connection as we stroll one of the many beautiful trails Marin has to offer for a gentle hike with our babies.
Parent & Baby Yoga 4 Week Series
May 5, 2023, 11:00 AM
Parent and baby yoga 4 week series for babies 6 weeks to crawling.
8-week RIE Certified Parent-Infant Guidance class series with Jennifer Curtis, CD(DONA), CIIM and RIE Associate
May 5, 11:00am
• Discover how infants benefit from independent play
• Appreciate what your child can do right now
• Learn how care routines can be favorite times for both caregiver and baby
• Share in the beautiful unfolding of children’s first relationships – with themselves, with others and with their surroundings
• Support only as much as needed
Through this 8-week series, parents or caregivers will receive the opportunity to thoughtfully observe their little ones and experience them demonstrating the value of these principles for us, as we intentionally grant them the freedom “to be.” Together, we explore the trust-based parenting approach developed by infant specialist Magda Gerber.
Cara Guyot has been a Postpartum Doula since 2019.
While training to be a doula, she was surprised by the world of local perinatal experts (prenatal and postnatal) and wants to share that knowledge with the greater community. Even as someone who was twelve years postpartum at the time of training, she has benefit from knowing this community and their help in healing her body and soul. If you know of a related event that should be added, please email her at: