Create art with a political focus

This class will introduce students to contemporary artists whose artwork has a political focus in direct and subtle ways. We will review a set of artists and their techniques during the 1st class session. Based on these presentations, students will select one artist to explore over the course of the remaining sessions developing a series of work inspired by their techniques and ideas. One-on-one sessions will take place using break out rooms during the last half of class 2 and 3 giving the students individual feedback on their project. During the last half of these classes, students who are not in breakout rooms will stay logged into zoom using the time to develop their artworks. During the last class, each student will present their project in the context of their selected artist and talk about their own concepts and techniques in an open discussion format.

Facilitator will provide a materials list after registration for students to buy their own supplies. Some student may be buying additional supplies depending on the direction of their individual projects. 

Zoom link provided after registration. Space is limited.

6:30–8:00 pm Pacific Time on Zoom
Fee $175 for 4 sessions