We’re so conditioned to believe that anarchy is the very next unavoidable result if we slack off on “structure.” Kids don’t really need an hour-by-hour structure - that’s a school conditioning (because it’s how they do things) but it doesn’t have to be how you do. It’s ok if they sleep in or play more video games than usual. Ask them about the games - what do they like about them? Be curious. If you value the things they value, they’re much more likely to listen when you need them to do something.
Sometimes it’s helpful to plan “a structure” for the week - as a family. A big white board helps everyone see what’s going on, what’s expected, etc. Since you’re at home on somewhat of a quarantine, you might not have the appointments and sports practices that are often what a family structure works around. Instead, you may have dinner together. Or game night. Or a movie marathon. You can put it on the calendar and work around that!
One last thought on this… if your weeks at home are chaotic and seemingly without structure, do not project into the future that the kids will not be able to adapt when school rolls back around. They will. They don’t need to practice structure when it’s not needed. They’ll do whatever they need to, when the time comes.