Bay Area Book Festival

New this year: Family Day is being co-presented in partnership with the Social Justice Children's Book Fair!

For the past eight years, the Social Justice Children’s Book Fair has gathered independent children’s book creators, publishers, and advocates at its annual event in the East Bay. The Oakland-based fair and organization uplifts books that embody the spirit of authentic, independent, and under-represented voices in children’s literature. SJCBF is also building a movement–one that not only defies book bans but works towards a larger vision: to see a world where independent children’s book creators have the support to conceive, develop, distribute, and champion a diversity of social justice-centered stories that children, families, teachers, librarians, and book lovers need as we build a society where we can all thrive.

The Bay Area has always been a hub and a catalyst of literary movements–local, national and global. For the past decade the Bay Area Book Festival has been the place to discover and celebrate these movements up-close and personal. Through this year’s partnership with SJCBF, we collectively seek to spotlight the exciting creativity and innovation that continues to thrive in the world of children’s literature. Come for fun, cute, clever, and silly. Come for awe, awakenings, and all the feelings. And come for what Rudine Sims Bishop refers to as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors: A space for our children to see themselves, gain insight and empathy into the experiences of others, and a chance to walk between worlds.