Interactive Archeology for Tweens & Teens

Does your t(w)een like to dig in the dirt? Is she good at putting pieces together? Does he like to figure out stories from clues? You might have a future archeologists on your hands.

If your budding archeologist is interested in a hands-on chance to explore this field, there are two trainings with The Heritage Program of the Presidio Trust. Children 12-15 need to have a parent accompany them for the training and volunteering, 16-18 can come if they have a parent/guardian sign the waiver. Gain first-hand experience working along side professional and student archeologists and learn how early settlers in San Francisco lived, what tools they used and also learn about their culture. 

There are two opportunities to give it a try and the classes are filling up fast:

This training will give you an overview of the archaeological project they are working on and introduce you to the different tasks that you might be asked to do.  This includes wet screening excavated dirt, flotation, and processing artifacts in the lab.  You do not need to have any archaeological experience to be a volunteer, this is what the trainings are for!  

After your training, you can help with a variety of shifts this year that includes a two-hour morning shift, a two-hour afternoon shift or a five-hour shift for those who have volunteered before and wish to have a longer experience. 

Sign up now to attend a training session.

Or contact:

Jules McKnight
Heritage Program Outreach Specialist
Presidio Trust, San Francisco
(415) 561-4163