PODCAST : "Angst", a film about youth and anxiety, March 27th, 2019 at 6:30pm

Tickets are $12.00 online and $15.00 at the door.

Terra Marin School
70 Lomita Drive, Mill Valley
March 27, 2019

Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety
Ronnie's Awesome List

Listen to the podcast to hear Karin Gornick, executive producer of the film Angst and Jennifer Taylor, therapeutic educational consultant who works with at risk teens explain:

  • Personal journey’s of their teens and anxiety

  • Why anxiety so prevalent in high school 

  • Changes you can make to your parenting style

  • Anxiety coping tools and techniques

  • Creating a community forum for education, communication, understanding, and awareness


Terra Marin TK-8 is a progressive and inclusive TK-8th grade program, dedicated to honoring the gifts of its students while providing a safe and supportive environment in which they can inquire, explore and challenge themselves both in and out of the classroom.

Next OPEN HOUSE is March 21 at 6:30 & Sunday, March 24


Karin Gornick is an Emmy-award winning producer who has been creating social impact projects and films for the past 25 years, including projects for CNN, Discovery Channel, IndieFlix and Common Sense Media. Several of her projects include Silent Angels, a film about Rett syndrome, Screenagers, a film about growing up in the digital age and now Angst, helping to understand and raise awareness around anxiety. Angst is the project Karin has been particularly passionate about as it was inspired in part by her own journey over the last year searching for help with her teenage son’s anxiety disorder …and the discovery of her own anxiety in the process.


Jennifer Eve Taylor, JD is the President of JET ED Consulting, the Premier provider of educational consultative services providing families with the best options for each family's unique circumstances. Jennifer is a Member of the Board of Directors for The Therapeutic Consulting Association and Associate Member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association.

Terra Marin is a Sponsor of Ronnie’s Awesome List.