5 Healthy Breakfasts That Will Make Your Child Thrive
/Now that school has started the buzz is all about healthy lunches for kids. An important subject, I agree, but not many people are talking about healthy breakfast options for kids. In the rush to get out the door, I know it’s easy to resort to sugary breakfast cereals.
If you’ve heard me talk about breakfast, you know that I think it’s the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for a good or bad day - pure and simple. It affects your mood, your energy, and your productivity. Translate that for kids and it means it affects their desire to go to school, their ability to get along with others (including you) and how much they learn & enjoy the day.
Getting back to cereal…you might be thinking “So, what’s wrong with cereal?” Well, there really isn’t much nutrition in a bowl of cereal. Sorry. Sure, they are fortified with vitamins and minerals but these are synthetic versions that are not so easily absorbed / used by your child’s body. And then there is the sugar. There’s lots of it and more likely than not it is refined white sugar. Highly refined and genetically modified, white sugar is devoid of nutrients. It is full of empty calories that require using stored nutrients in the body to digest. That means that it takes away nutrients so ultimately it leaves your child nutrient deficient.
They deserve better than that.
Here are a few fun breakfast ideas to add to some very popular breakfast staples. These are quick, easy and more nutritious than a bowl of cereal. These foods are rich in real vitamins and minerals and are low in sugar.

When thinking about breakfast, consider feeding them something that is not only low in sugar but also has some quality protein, fat, fiber and, if you want to be extra diligent, something green. It’s the protein and the fat that are going to get your child calmly through the day and give them the energy to deal with that difficult math problem or be able navigate the rough social waters of the classroom and playground.
Proteins and fats, along with fiber, slow the release of sugar into blood stream so there are no dramatic highs and lows. Their blood sugar stays within a desired range so that meltdowns due to low blood sugar disappear. The green food (vegetables) provide the extra vitamins, minerals and fiber their bodies need.
For more tips and recipes, join me at my Get It Done Online Cooking Class on Wednesday, September 28. You attend from the comfort of your own kitchen and we will prep a few dinners, snacks and extras to make your week go more smoothly and your family eat healthier. Click here for more details.
Maria Quintana-Pilling is a local mom and founder of UrbanSpice Nutrition. She is a certified nutrition consultant and natural chef, specializing in digestive and women’s health issues. She loves to help women get the right food on the table so that women and their families thrive.