Weekend Fun For Everyone (January 20-22)
Friday, January 20, Presidential Inauguration
Bridge Together, 10am-12pm, form the first human chain across the entire Golden Gate Bridge (and beyond), as a collaborative, grassroots, community-based demonstration and performance art piece.
Anniversary of the Sea Lions’ Arrival at PIER 39, 11am-4pm, San Francisco.
Zoovie Night, 6:30pm, Finding Dory, Oakland Zoo.
Blue BINGO, 7-9pm, Corte Madera Community Center.
Saturday, January 21, Women's March
Rainforest Adventure Opens, Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito.
Anniversary of the Sea Lions’ Arrival at PIER 39, 11am-4pm, San Francisco.
Back to Bahia, 9am – 12pm, ages 5+, help wipe out the remaining invasive French broom, Meet at the Bahia trailhead near the end of Bahia Dr in Novato.
Waterbird Festival, 10am-4pm, for naturalist-led bird walks, exclusive field trips, and fun bird-themed activities. Bring a pair of binoculars or use our spotting scopes to see the waterbirds that call Richardson Bay home, Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary, Tiburon.
Magic: The Gathering Tournament, 10am-5pm, grades 4-8, Registration includes: pizza lunch, a new deck of cards, prizes and a guarantee of at least 3 matches, registration required, Dairy Knoll, 600 Ned's Way, Tiburon.
Flower Market Fair, 10am-8pm, Chinatown, San Francisco.
Junior Chef Classes, 10am, ages 8-13, American Girl™: Breakfast Party, Williams-Sonoma, Corte Madera.
Pippi Longstocking, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Freight & Salvage, Berkeley.
Chinese New Year Mini Procession and Flower Market, 10:30am, kick off the new year with a procession that gives a taste of what the larger Lunar New Year parade will bring. The procession begins at historic St. Mary’s Square, follows the original parade route down Grant Ave. and proceeds to the Flower Fair’s main stage on Washington St. below Grant. The procession will include lion dancers, giant walking puppets, costumed stilt walkers, drummers and dancers, San Francisco.
Kid Science with Dr. Bonyfide and the Know Yourself books, 11am, Dr. Bonyfide the skeleton will be at the store with "bones" of fun and "hands-on" activities for kids and parents too! diesel, A Bookstore, Larkspur.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, imaginative craft-making based on the Presidio’s natural and cultural heritage, registration not required, but preferred, Presidio Officers’ Club, San Francisco.
Afternoon Art, 1-4pm, Popsicle Stick Monsters, Randall Museum, San Francisco.
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra Family Concerts, 2pm, age 3+, feature fun-filled collaborations with local professionals and young musicians, Noe Valley Ministry, San Francisco.
Harlem Globetrotters, 2pm & 7pm, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Monthly Game Night, 3-4:30pm, Marin City Library.
Sonoma Campfire, 5-6pm, join in the fun with a short talk, songs and, of course, a marshmallow roast! All ages, free of charge, steady rain cancels, Sonoma Barracks Courtyard, Spain St & First St East.
Tam Valley Crab Feed, 6:30-9pm, Tam Valley Community Center.
Animal Film Festival, 7-8:30pm, Marin Humane Society, Novato.
Sunday, January 22
Flower Market Fair, 9am-6pm, Chinatown, San Francisco.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, Animals of the Arctic, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Infant CPR, 10am-12pm, Parents Place, San Rafael.
Free Community Day at the Exploratorium, San Francisco.
Anniversary of the Sea Lions’ Arrival at PIER 39, 11am-4pm, San Francisco.
Pippi Longstocking, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Freight & Salvage, Berkeley.
The Bubble Lady, 11am, Mill Valley Community Center.
Sunday Special: An Outrageously Good Time with Bob Kann, 11am-12pm, Mill Valley Library.
Abadá Capoeira Marin, 11am, Experience Capoeira, an energetic Brazilian martial arts form combining dance, acrobatics & music. Performance, Audience Participation, Q&A and more! Osher Marin JCC San Rafael.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, imaginative craft-making based on the Presidio’s natural and cultural heritage, registration not required, but preferred, Presidio Officers’ Club, San Francisco.
The Comedy Magician Robert Strong, 11am, JCC, The East Bay Theater.
SF Sketchfest, 11am, The Groundlings Children's Show, Marines Memorial Theatre, San Francisco.
San Francisco Chamber Orchestra Family Concerts, 12pm & 3:30pm, age 3+, feature fun-filled collaborations with local professionals and young musicians, Oakland Asian Cultural Center & Hillsdale High School Theatre, San Mateo.
SF Civic Symphony Winter Concert - 'Young Romantics', 3-5pm, free, Nourse Theater, San Francisco.
Calling All Choir, 7:30pm,, free Mission Dolores Basilica, San Francisco.