Mighty Books About Strong Women

Mighty Books About Strong Women

Women are strong, independent, resourceful! So why are most female characters portrayed as caretakers or as princesses who are rescued by a prince? Here's a list of specially selected book about strong female role models that should be on your kids shelf.

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Ronnie's Awesome Summer Camp Guide - NOW AVAILABLE

Ronnie's Awesome Summer Camp Guide - NOW AVAILABLE

With so many great summer programs available, picking the best camp for your child can be daunting. For many camps, registration begins in February and they book up fast. Fortunately, Ronnie's Awesome Summer Camp Guide is here to help.

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10 Inspiring Books About The Immigrant Experience

10 Inspiring Books About The Immigrant Experience

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

~ Emma Lazarus

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Maker...Maker, Get Ready for the SMMC Maker Faire

Maker...Maker, Get Ready for the SMMC Maker Faire

Build a spinning robot, create digital art and animation, make slime, sew, build a fidget spinner, make glass art, learn about coding, identify computer parts, play in your own Minecraft world with Microsoft and more at the inaugural Southern Marin Mother's Club (SMMC) Maker Faire. 

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Rainy Days and Mondays

Rainy Days and Mondays

Don’t let rainy days and Mondays get you down. Instead, embrace this opportunity and battle the bad weather blues away. Museums, bowling alleys, libraries/bookstores and movie theaters are a great way to spend the time, some community centers also have fun activities, or try one of these fun places to burn off some energy and stay dry.

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