This exquisitely animated coming-of-age tale, based on the graphic novel memoir by Colombian-Ecuadorian artist Power Paola, follows Paola from her conception to the trials and tribulations of young adulthood. In Quito, Ecuador, Paola navigates life as the baby of the family, constantly at odds with her older sisters and her loving but stern parents—her father an ex-priest who gives them communion at home, her mother a fortune teller. The film charts their family dysfunction in a frank and refreshing manner thanks to the distinct voice of Paola, imbuing Virus Tropical with an intimacy that renders it funny, tender, and moving all at once. The beautiful black-and-white animation style stays true to the film’s origins, capturing both the nostalgia and anguish of growing up. The first feature of video artist and animator Santiago Caicedo, Virus Tropical won audience awards at the SXSW and BAFICI Film Festivals.