The 6th Annual San Francisco Movement Arts Festival (SFMAF), with over 300+ performers, will celebrate their movement art at the grand Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, on January 24, 2020. The entire Cathedral will transform into a stage - the main floor, attached chapels, hallways, stairways and front entry way. As you enter the inspiring space, multiple STATIONS of the Movement (performances) will be going on simultaneously. Stroll around, at your own pace, witness the artists once, and go back to see some favorites.
Like going to a Farmer's Market, but instead of produce its performances.
Each STATION of the Movement (12+) will feature up to six groups performing & rotating short pieces (4 minutes or less). Each STATION will be its own mix of repertoire to include modern dance; ballet; ethnic; ballroom dancing; Movement Choirs and much more. In addition, artists will be exploring subjects of female empowerment; artistic beauty; social issues; cultural heritage; personal loss; family love and beyond.
Like getting 12 shows for the price of one!!
Over 90% of performers are local to the SF Bay Area and over 95% are women. The festival also welcomes artists from Los Angeles, New York, Northern CA, Fresno, Palm Springs, Phoenix, Sacramento, Santa Barbara and Texas.
Creative highlights include: choreographers performing with their daughters (truly, fun for the whole family!), plus seven STATIONS filled with live musicians and singers.
The duration of the festival will be approximately 2 hours and will be capped off with a brief announcement - followed by the main dance piece, performed on the Commanding Labyrinth. At the end, you're invited to a "meet & greet" on the main floor, with the artists - tell them what you enjoyed & even thank them personally.