Attend Preschool Preview Night 2018, an all-in-one evening for parents of upcoming preschoolers and kindergarteners, hosted by Golden Gate Mothers Group.
Meet and talk with representatives from 50+ local preschools and kindergartens.
Get the answers you need to questions about philosophies, costs, schedules, pre-admissions visits and more.
Meet representatives from a diverse group of family-focused organizations and learn about their services, and products.
New this year: we will have limited BABYSITTING onsite by UrbanSitter! Babysitting will be limited to children who are walking AND at least 1 year old. Sign-up for 30 min babysitting spots is available here:
Purchase tickets early for $20--tickets will also be sold at the door for $25. Ticket price can be applied to GGMG membership! GGMG members attend for only $5 online registration ($10 at the door)- visit to join today!
Please check HERE for our Preschool Preview Night Digital Guide, with a listing of all preschools.