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Kids Festival

  • Golden Gate Bandshell 75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA, 94118 United States (map)

Charity and the JAMBand is back for the 4th Annual Kids Festival at the Golden Gate Bandshell. Joined by Teacher Barb and Friends, this show is an event you and your kids don’t want to miss!

* 10:30-11:15: Teacher Barb opens with a set of awesomely dancable songs!
* 11:30-1:30: Charity and the JAMband rock the house with music from their eight award-winning albums of family music!


MORE about CHARITY AND THE JAMBAND: Come rock your socks off with the SF-born-and-raised family music jams of Charity and the JAMband! Renowned for their funky and unforgettable grooves, joy-filled singalongs, peace-inspired rock epics, and heart opening love anthems, all CJB songs also have accompanying dance moves for those who like to jump right in and tear it up. Featuring lyrics that talk up to kids, magical and interactive story play, and spontaneous humor, CJB shows are a rocking celebration of joining together as one family, united by song, dance and love. In addition to performing live all around the Bay for thousands of happy families over the years, CJB has released eight award-winning albums of family music. Bandleader Charity Kahn also offers music+dance+mindfulness classes and birthday parties for kids aged birth-10, with the music of Charity and the JAMband as the soundtrack, and leads meditation and qigong classes and retreats for grown-ups. Find our music anywhere you stream. For more info, visit