Expanding Your Horizons is an event to increase the awareness of young women and their parents of the importance of adequate preparation in math and science. It is designed to introduce them to the world of math, engineering, and science and other fields where high school math and science are required. It consists of hands-on workshops conducted by women who have chosen a career in one of these fields. We also have sessions designed for parents and educators. The day is being planned for 250 seventh and eighth grade students from throughout Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino counties.
The objectives of EYH events are to:
Foster awareness of the wide range of career options for women in mathematics, science, engineering, and technology-based fields
Provide opportunities to meet and talk with women who work in these fields
Increase young women's awareness of the importance of math and science education and the need for early career exploration
If you have questions about the EYH Sonoma County event, please e-mail the EYH coordinators, or leave a message at 707-800-9819.