Day Two of CelebratINg, Sunday, November 11, will focus on the history of the Hall and on the special, inspiring place that it has been for so many in the East Bay Area and beyond. Join us as we kick off our first-ever Science Film Festival with Hidden Figures! Purchase your film tickets here >>
Then, join us for some of our Sunday Funday favorites, offered acround the Hall throughout the day!
Our favorite acrobats from Les Arielles are back will be performing among our exhibits! Showtimes: 11:30 a.m., 1:00 & 2:30 p.m.
Art and creepy-crawly science collide in hands-on insect explorations with our friends from for Bug Art! 12:00 noon–2:00 p.m. on A-level.
Finish off the day by sharing a special memory you have of visiting the Lawrence Hall of Science. Come by our "photobooth" station to write or draw your favorite memory, then share it on social media with #50YearsofLHS.