Circus Center, San Francisco's premiere circus training center since 1984, presents the beloved childhood tale The Secret Garden, over four weekends this summer at the Children's Creativity Museum. Adapted and directed by Felicity Hesed with acrobatic design by Evan Tomlinson Weintraub, Frances Hodgson Burnett's beloved tale of resilience and renewal is brought to life like never before with an original blend of circus performance and classic storytelling.
After a pandemic leaves young Mary Lennox orphaned, she is sent to live with her estranged Uncle in a mysterious Manor filled with secrets. When Mary discovers the gardens outside, a world of possibilities is revealed.
This timely story explores loss, grief, and the healing power of nature, play, and community. Don't miss this inspiring summer show for the whole family! Recommended for ages 5+
About Circus Center:
Circus Center is one of the oldest and largest circus schools in the US. We offers classes for children and adults of every level of ability in flying trapeze, acrobatics, aerial arts, contortion, juggling and many other disciplines. Throughout the year, Circus Center produces professional-quality shows starring our students, instructors, and community members.