ABBA's hits tells the hilarious story of a young woman's search for her birth father. This sunny and funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter's quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother's past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. The story-telling magic of ABBA's timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship, creating an unforgettable show. A mother. A daughter. Three possible dads. And a trip down the aisle you'll never forget!
Please note, the Saturday matinee, May 18, is a Sensory Friendly Performance! Some adjustments will include house lights on at a low level, the inclusion of a 'chill-out' area, technology friendly and movement friendly seating zones, as well as smaller audience sizes. If this sounds like it would suit your child, please join us! For questions or more info, please contact Steven Hess: 646-241-7734.