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Tiffany Shlain Talks Character Day, Mompreneurship And A Life in Tech

Each year, Tiffany Shlain, Emmy nominated filmmaker, speaker and Webby Awards founder, hosts the annual global event called Character Day. The next big event is coming up on Wednesday, September 26th. Tiffany joined me for my inaugural podcast to talk about her amazing career, Tech Shabbats and life as a working mom.

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Interview with Tiffany Shlain

Some interview highlights:

First film that became a global phenomenon

Elevator pitch for Character Day

Character in our current political climate

Life as a working mom

What kind of person are you and what do you want to be in the world?

Tech Shabbat

A Life in Tech

Raising your daughters as feminists

Optimisticism and Skeptamasist

Women’s paths in the future

New at this years Character Day

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