As Spring approaches, we celebrate Ēostre (Austrō(n)), the goddess of spring and fertility, and her sacred symbol, the bunny.
We are holding our Easter EggStravaganza, which is a fun-filled block party, and the 3rd Annual Bunny Convention for EggCited kittens (baby bunnies) and adults alike.
This is a time for rebirth, renewal, and moving into the light from the darkness of winter. We celebrate with flair, art, and costumes!
Come and enjoy over thirty EggStreme artist booths for your art shopping. The Kitten Zone, open from noon to 3 pm, will entertain the little hoppers with Drag Story Time, Easter Egg/Passport Bunny Hop, and a kids' Easter costume contest.
Dogs are also welcome, and they can enter the pet's costume contest!
Adults can check in at noon and embark on their own Passport Bunny Hop quest to win an Easter shot glass and vie for thousands of dollars in prizes.
There will be a costume contest for adults, DJ/dancing all day, and EggCellent dragsters of delight.Easter EggStravaganza: A Castrorific Block Party