Each year Richmond’s 23rd Street corridor is the setting for a peaceful, family-friendly Cinco de Mayo celebration. Over 100,000 people turn out to watch music, dancing and wrestling. Live music goes all day on three stages and includes Native American dancing and Luche Libre wrestling. Local merchant’s serve heaps of delicious traditional foods. Dozens of kids’ activities line the street such as pony rides, bouncy houses, face-painting, games, and crafts.
Another feature of the festivals are the dozens of community resource groups offering games, giveaways and information. The YMCA of the East Bay provided games about healthy eating for families. Be The Match encouraged locals to become life-saving marrow/stem cell donors.
Another important program for locals is the Richmond Promise College Scholarship program. It promises up to $1,500 in annual scholarship money along with financial aid guidance for every Richmond resident graduating from high school. The $35 million program is part of a community benefits agreement between the City of Richmond and Chevron Richmond.