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It's Not Easy Being Green: An Interview with SHREK!

Shrek, The Musical,” hits the stage at the Throckmorton Theatre the next two weekends. Featuring a terrific score of songs, big laughs and some of the most talented adult and youth actors in the Bay Area! I sat down with everyone’s favorite ogre, SHREK, to find out more about the mega star that others are too scared to ask.

As the star of the show, can you give me an idea of what makes "Shrek, The Musical” so special?

Well for starters, the hero of the story is a big, ugly, menacing ogre. SHREK has had such a positive influence on the young ogre community, they finally have a hero of their own! SHREK also really captures the true ogre spirit. Ogres are funny, charming, great cooks, and most importantly, we make great friends. People just have to get to know us. SHREK is hilarious, and the cast is terrific! We are all having so much fun. 

You're a green ogre who prefers the solitude in his swamps. What were your first thoughts when all those fairytale characters were exiled there by order of Lord Farquaad?

My first thought was that they looked like tasty candy, in all their colorful outfits, and the more racket they made with their whining and complaining about being evicted, the more I wanted eat them. However, after hearing their sad story, I thought best to go hunt down Farquaad himself!

Do you have a favorite fairytale?

Shrek, of course, by William Steig. It's the story of my life. It's newer, but it's a classic! 

As an extreme introvert, what does Fiona and Donkey see in you?

Hmm. Donkey was never afraid of me, even for a second. At first I thought it was due to dull wittedness, but I've come to learn that Donkey is actually very good at seeing others for who they really are. I mean, he's married to a dragon, can you imagine that? Fiona, she's tough and scrappy, with a beautiful exterior. Sort of the opposite of me, in a way. I'm tough and rough on the outside, but beautiful inside. That's not to say Fiona's not beautiful inside, or that I would ever describe myself as beautiful-oh, you know what I mean.

Now that you are royalty, do you prefer to be addressed as Prince Shrek?

I'm just Shrek. Royalty hasn't really changed me much, although I do admit to enjoying my weekly mani-pedi. It's an indulgence, but a heavenly one.

Your life has been played on the big screen by Mike Myers and now on stage by the amazing director of the Throckmorton Youth Theatre, Steven Hess. But if you had the choice, which actor would you like to see play you in a movie/play about your life and why?

I feel like Channing Tatum would be the best choice for obvious reasons: he's hunky, great jaw line, and very popular with the ladies. Brad Pitt might be alright too, but he's getting to be a tad old for the part.

Don’t miss this wild Tony Award-winning Broadway fairy tale adventure that is FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!  Get your tickets now for "SHREK THE MUSICAL."