Ronnie's Awesome List

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Girls Can Become Park Rangers Too THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED

Girls can play in the dirt, rock at sports, fight fires, camp in the woods, and become park rangers! And no one knows this better then Rangers Christin Lopez and Sarah Burkhart. They are co-hosting the wildly popular program call ‘Girls Can Become Park Rangers Too.' The next event is on Saturday, July 18th from 10:00-12:30 at the Marin County Parks, Lucas Valley Field Office in San Rafael. This program is ideal for young ladies between ages 6-12. 

This event was created as a way to inform and entice young girls of the roles and responsibilities that Rangers have in hope that, as these girls get older, will include a Park Ranger as one of their top career options. The Rangers who have been a part of this program all have their own unique stories and job-related experiences that have qualified them for the positions they are in. What a great way to inspire the next generation of young women! 

During this particular program, Rangers Lopez and Burkhart focus on a variety of job-related experiences showcasing what it's like to be a Ranger including fun activities that may included planting native plants and making tree cookies. They top off this fun program with demonstrations of some of the tools and equipment used on the job such as chainsaws and fire gear.

Wear comfortable athletic clothing and sturdy shoes. Don't forget to bring water. Registration required in advance, as this event is limited to 20 participants. Healthy snacks provided. For more information about this and other future events, and how to RSVP please visit