Sponsored Post: Lessa Mattress for Kids & Teens
Hard to believe something as simple as a new mattress can be life changing right? I for one would never have bought it, til the good folks at Leesa sent me one, and said I should try it out. Okaaaaayy I said, feeling skeptical. But really people, I would not step outside of my comfort zone and tell you this mattress was life changing, unless it really, really was, and guess what, it is! My teenage daughter was my tester. We’ve just moved houses, plus she had outgrown her old mattress. It was a struggle to get her to sleep at night and even more of a struggle to wake her up at 6.30am to catch the school bus, (if I had a dollar for every time I said “Wake Up!!"), so now seemed like the perfect time to try a new mattress. She says 'it's like sleeping on a cloud.'
What a difference being well rested makes, especially for our teenagers who really need much more sleep than their pressing school and personal schedules often allow for. Are you among the elite few who can honestly say their teen regularly gets eight to ten hours sleep a night? With eight hours being the absolute recommended minimum. I certainly wasn't. My teen was falling short in this area. But I'm happy and also a little surprised to tell you that the mad morning dash for the school bus is no longer a mad dash, the snooze button is almost obsolete, and she no longer comes home from school exhausted and dragging.
Does it sound like I've joined a crazy mattress cult? Well to be fair there were a couple of other things we parents did, like keeping all technology out of her bedroom at night, modifying her eating habits and making her routine more methodical. But the mattress combined with these changes has caused her grades to improve and made her an all round happier kid. Yes, astonishingly, increased grades are part of the package too.
I can honestly report that The Leesa Mattress delivers the comfort and support needed for a great nights sleep, plus, even more unbelievable, it is extremely affordable too (starting at $525.) The mattress comes rolled up in a box, meaning you’ll have to let it expand to its original size after unpacking and before using it. I’d suggest giving it a minimum of three days to develop fully but after that, it’s been sleeping bliss.
You can tune out and drop off by trying one for yourself a your local Pottery Barn or West Elm. It might make your teen more well rested and personable too, and who doesn't want that?