Speak To Me in Partnership with our local schools present Most Likely To Succeed
For most of the last century, entry-level jobs were plentiful, and college was an affordable path to a fulfilling career. That world no longer exists. The documentary Most Likely to Succeed (http://mltsfilm.org/) examines the history of education, revealing the growing shortcomings of our school model and offers a plan to empower our children to succeed in our increasingly demanding and innovative 21st century world.
Named “among the best edu-documentaries ever produced” by Education Week, this film has been touted as "a required course for all parents and educators". “The 21st century is going to be all about building, creating and innovating. This remarkable film shows a path of how we can empower all of our children to do that.” – Sal Khan, Khan Academy
SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
Sinaloa Middle School Gym, Novato (to benefit School Fuel)
OCTOBER 1, 2015
Park School Auditorium, Mill Valley (to benefit KIDDO!)
NOVEMBER 5, 2015
Drake High School Theatre, San Anselmo (to benefit YES)
7:30-9:00pm (doors open at 7:15pm); Tickets $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Meet and learn more from featured thought leader Dr. Yong Zhao at Speak To Me's February 23rd event .
Tickets and more info at www.speaktomeevents.com.