Ronnie's Awesome List

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Family Volunteer Day Is November 19

Change Your Community Through Acts of Kindness and Volunteer Service!

Everyone, no matter how young, can be a philanthropist. Even if your time to volunteer is limited or you do not have the financial means to contribute, you can still be involved and introduce your child to the power of compassion and show they have the ability to make a difference by simply giving of themselves.

Families inspire by example. Talk to your child about what is most important to them. Then think of a nonprofit where your child has expressed their passions and figure out what you can do to help OR start your own drive. 

Some ideas can be to do a collection drive with friends, family, and neighbors: 

Some fun events and ideas:

One Tam Day of Thanks: Habitat Restoration & Holiday Wreath Making Workshop, 9am-2pm, Rock Springs Parking Lot.

Creekside Restoration with One Tam (Meet across from Marin General Hospital at Hal Brown Park at Creekside.)

Organize a collection with any group you belong to. For instance a dance class (collect old ballet shoes, tutus and outfits), sports league (gather sneakers, equipment, clothes) and give them to a children's organization. Turn to social networking and spread the news on your Facebook or Twitter page and ask others if want to join you. Make it a holiday activity with your playgroup, sports league or class, put an announcement in your company’s newsletter or church/temple bulletin, or just share it with five people and ask them to do the same. 

These ideas are just small nuggets to inspire you to your family of every age and ability to get involved in philanthropic opportunities. And hopefully, these values you share now with your children will continue in their future. 

Here are some other local non-profit volunteer opportunities for families of all ages:



Human Volunteer Opportunities