Ronnie's Awesome List

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California Biodiversity Day

From September 7–15, join in one or more of the many California Biodiversity Day events being held across the state! Get outside and explore the nature around you—in your backyard, neighborhood, local parks, and open spaces—and share your findings on iNaturalist. No matter where you are in California, you can discover and celebrate nature and contribute to our understanding of where plants and animals are found!

As a global biodiversity hotspot, California has an immense array of nature to explore. We've compiled a few resources to guide folks in learning more about the nature around them, while contributing valuable data that can be used to answer important local conservation questions. 

Help celebrate California's biodiversity and help inform the state's 30x30 initiative by taking a closer look at nearby nature and documenting your finds on iNaturalist! Explore the nature around you however you choose, whether that's visiting the coast, enjoying a long hike, walking to a nearby park, observing the birds outside your window, or looking for spiders under your couch.