Ronnie's Awesome List

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Homeschoolers Can’t Get Enough of This Online Coding Class, Here’s Why

BlockSchool is an online coding school for kids that provides online video-chat based classes with a live tutor specially designed for kids ages 6-13. I sat down with Tony Diepenbrock, the founder of BlockSchool, to learn more.

What is an online coding class at BlockSchool like?

Online classes are video-chat based classes with a live 1-to-1 tutor designed for kids ages 6-13. At BlockSchool, we pair your child with a computer science tutor of your choice in a Minecraft/Roblox-like world where they can build awesome 3D block-based games and more that specifically caters to their level, age and interest. 

How are you different to websites like Outschool?  

Outschool is a marketplace for a wide variety of classes including ours. As a matter of fact, BlockSchool is one of the most popular classes on Outschool but we operate separately too. 

So what makes BlockSchool stand out of the crowd?  

I think it’s because we appeal to the needs of parents as well as kids. Parents rave about our high-quality instructors. BlockSchool recruits from top colleges and companies like Stanford and Facebook and what’s even more awesome is that you get to choose which tutor you want. Click here and see for yourself. 

Kids just can’t get enough of BlockSchool because we turn gaming screen time into productive coding time with the 3D block-based world, similar to Minecraft and Roblox. Your child will learn to code games in a safe constructive environment. Since our whole curriculum is oriented around game building, we start with visual programming and works up to JavaScript.  

For families we offer the ultimate flexibility. As a parent, I know personally how scheduling classes is a challenge. But with online classes, it opens so many possibilites. BlockSchool has classes available at nearly every hour of the day, and they even offer 24 hour free cancellations. No driving, no losing money when you miss a class, it’s just that easy. 

So you’ve piqued my interest! How do I sign-up?     

BlockSchool is offering a discounted trial classes to Ronnie's Awesome List readers. It’s $10 for a 30 minute class with the CEO and learn more about our exciting 1 week online summer camps or weekly class. You can book directly on BlockSchool or through Outschool

Tony Diepenbrock is CEO and founder of BlockSchool. To learn more about BlockSchool visit them online at connect with Tony on Twitter at @BlockSchool , Facebook and LinkedIn