August Awesome List
Monday, August 1
Hungry Owl Project, 11am-12pm, meet an owl and learn from experts, Stinson Beach Library.
Children's Author Emma Smith, 2:30pm, grades 3-5, Mill Valley Library.
Hungry Owl Project, 3-4pm, Inverness Library.
Film of the Month, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Walt Disney Museum, San Francisco.
Tuesday, August 2, New Moon
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Shawn the Sheep, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Felt LED Light Up Monster, 2-4, Marin City Library.
BookSTEAM, 3-4pm, grades 3-6, A summer book club where we learn about the latest and greatest in STEAM fiction through hands-on activities. Novato Library.
Creativity Club, 3:30pm, ages 9-12, Book Dominos, Line them up one by one, and then knock them down! Join us to make a domino chain with books, Sausalito Library.
Sushi Love, 7pm, grades 6-8, Mill Valley Library.
Wednesday, August 3
WildCare, 11am, ages 5+, meet an opossum, owl and tortoise, Corte Madera Library.
Presidio Shuttle Tour, 12-1pm, free, RSVP required.
Charity Kahn, 1-2pm, an afternoon song and dance that will rock your socks off! Expect themes of peace, celebration of all life, mindfulness and care-for-the-Earth, including some songs from Charity’s new CD, San Anselmo Library,
Wednesday on Stage: Charity and the JamBand, 3:30pm, Mill Valley Library.
Circus of Smiles, 3:30pm, Stilt walkers, jugglers, acrobats, and comedians: they’re professional goofballs and they’ll make you laugh, I.D.E.S.S.T Hall, 511 Caledonia St, Sausalito.
LEGO Club, 4-5:30pm, Fairfax Library.
Plaza Nights, 4:30-6:30pm, Enjoy an evening under the stars at this weekly, family hangout program! Join us in the Library Atrium for music, crafts, games and special events, Novato Library.
Bar Car Serving up FREE Happy Hour, 5-7pm, enjoy a summer-themed cocktail, (or a kids beverage), Bon Air Center. Greenbrae.
Monsters, Inc., Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Thursday, August 4
End of Summer Party with Magician Timothy James, 11am, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Shawn the Sheep, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Sequoia Theater, Mill Valley.
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Shawn the Sheep, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Books, Building, Boxes and Play, 11-noon, For children entering Kindergarten in the fall or younger, Nothing is better than playing with boxes …. are they forts, houses, trains, or skyscrapers – it’s up to your imagination! We’ll sing songs, read stories and play, Sausalito Library.
Summer Afternoon Movie Festival: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, 2pm, mini craft and light refreshments, San Anselmo Library.
Fold. Flip. Fly, 2:30pm, grade 3-5, Mill Valley Library.
WildCare, 3-4pm, ages 5+, meet an opossum, owl and tortoise, Point Reyes Library.
Word Winder, 3-4pm, South Novato Library.
MAGC Summer Concert Series, 5pm, Ross.
Friday, August 5
Crosspulse, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Meet Tensegrity Robots, 11am-2pm, Meet students from Alice Agogino’s NASA-funded tensegrity research team at UC Berkeley and watch as BEST robotics presents a live demonstration of their shape-shifting robot, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
Sean's Shadow Puppet Show and Workshop, 2:30pm, grade 3-5, Mill Valley Library.
Jazz and Blues by the Bay, 6:30-8pm, Sausalito.
Picnics on the Plaza, 5-8pm, featuring music and family fun in downtown San Anselmo. Bring your picnic basket or buy food at the event, Town Hall Lawn.
Friday Night Jazz, 6-9pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Marinwood Music in the Park, 6-8pm, San Rafael.
Concerts Under the Oak, Northgate Mall, San Rafael.
Creekside Fridays, 6:30-8pm, The Cabin, Mill Valley.
Saturday, August 6
Free Saturday Morning Yoga, 9am, Old Mill Park, Mill Valley.
Free Kids Workshop, 9am-12pm, Home Depot.
Maritime Day, Sausalito
Novato Space Festival, 10am-4pm, Space Station Museum, Novato.
Summer Fun Weeks, 10am-5pm, Explore Your Back Yard, runs thru August 12, Get a sneak peek at our upcoming fall theme that’s all about exploring science in your own back yard. Hunt for bugs around the Hall’s grounds, explore the night sky in our Planetarium, and make fizzy works of art on the Hall’s plaza, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Learn How to Skimboard, 11am – 1pm, age 10+, learn the basics of skimboarding through demonstration and practice, Upton Beach, meet at the beach near the north parking lot at Stinson Beach.
Read to a Dog, 11am, Fairfax Library.
Nihonmachi Street Fair, enjoy performance, tradition, art, music, food, and more, Japantown, San Francisco.
San Jose Renaissance Faire, 10am-6pm, Discovery Meadow, San Jose.
Beaver Festival, Martinez.
Story Craft, 11am-12pm, ages 2-8, Story, art and songs for families of all abilities! For children of all abilities ages 2-8 with caregivers. Novato Library.
Olympic Games Craft, 11am-12pm, Join us as we celebrate the start of the Summer Olympics library-style with crafts, games and fun for all! For families of all ages and abilities. Novato Library.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Kids Kokoro, 12-1pm, ages 7-13, George "Rocky" Graham Park, 630 Drake Avenue, Marin City.
Afro Solo in the Gardens, 1pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Healthy Parks, Healthy People Walks, 2-4pm, FREE Guided Walks, Mill Valley Community Center.
Read to a Dog, 2pm, Corte Madera Library.
Family Fun Night, 5-7pm, $10 for the whole family, "Pirates" Theme, Costume Contest, Games & Contests, Raffle with Great Prizes, Jumpee, Face Painting, and Kid Nail Salon, Kid-friendly movie playing for those who don’t want to swim, Mill Valley Community Center Pool.
The Intern, Creek Park, San Anselmo
Astronomy Nights on Mt. Tamalpias, 8:30pm, with Dr. Xiaosheng Huang, Measuring Cosmological Distances with Supernovae.
Summer Nights, 7pm, $20 members/$23 public/$28 at the door, live music, kids zone, family friendly, kids under 17 free, Marin JCC.
Sea Chantey Sing Along Aboard Historic Ship, 8pm, sing-along of sea chanteys and sailor songs aboard a historic ship at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, August 7
Art in the Park, 10am – 12pm, paint, draw or color the beautiful scenery and wildlife that surrounds us while looking out at San Pablo Bay, McNears Beach Park, San Rafael.
Green Gulch Farm Sunday Children’s Program, 10am, After a short talk, the children leave the zendo to participate in their own special programs. Activities include crafts, seasonal projects on the farm and garden, yoga, and ritual. Please check in before the program at the table near the southwest side entrance of the zendo.
Nihonmachi Street Fair, enjoy performance, tradition, art, music, food, and more, Japantown, San Francisco.
San Jose Renaissance Faire, 10am-6pm, Discovery Meadow, San Jose.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Y Bike, 11am-2pm, Get your kids riding on two wheels with help from the Y's awesome instructors! They provide bikes and equipment - just bring your game face (ideally a big, toothy grin) and a little determination, Main Parade Grounds, San Francisco.
Summer Music Series, 12-2pm, Town Center Corte Madera.
The O'Jays, 2pm, Stern Grove, San Francisco.
Poolside Jam, 2:30pm, Strawberry Rec Center, Mill Valley.
Concerts in the Plaza, 3pm, Mill Valley.
Marin Shakespeare Company, 4pm, Twelfth Night, Family Matinee, San Rafael.
Summer Sunday Concerts, 5pm, Corte Madera.
Folkish Festival, 12:30pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, August 8
Hungry Owl Project, 11am-12pm, meet an owl and learn from experts, Bolinas Library.
Tuesday, August 9
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Max, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Little Sprouts: The Singing Lizard, 11am, age 2-5, Mill Valley Library.
Kids Camp at Stern Grove, 11am-2pm, age 8-12, Explore Rhythms of the World, San Francisco.
Litquake, 12:30pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
BookSTEAM, 3-4pm, grades 3-6, A summer book club where we learn about the latest and greatest in STEAM fiction through hands-on activities. Novato Library.
Robotics Workshop, 7pm, grade 6-8, Mill Valley Library.
Wednesday, August 10
Kids Camp at Stern Grove, 11am-2pm, age 8-12, Explore Rhythms of the World, San Francisco.
Circus of Smiles, 1-2pm, These clowns know how to make your whole family smile using juggling, acrobatics, and comedy. Audience participation guaranteed as they engage you through songs, dance and zany antics, San Anselmo Library.
Wednesday on Stage: Circus of Smiles, 3:30pm, Mill Valley Library.
Plaza Nights, 4:30-6:30pm, Enjoy an evening under the stars at this weekly, family hangout program! Join us in the Library Atrium for music, crafts, games and special events, Novato Library.
Pajama Storytime, 6:30pm, Mill Valley Library.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Kids Book Club, 7pm, 4th grade+, Corte Madera Library.
Thursday, August 11, Perseids Meteor Shower
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Max, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Sequoia Theater, Mill Valley.
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Max, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Kids Camp at Stern Grove, 11am-2pm, age 8-12, Explore Rhythms of the World, San Francisco.
María Volante: Blue Tango Project, 12:30pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Summer Afternoon Movie Festival: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, 2pm, mini craft and light refreshments, San Anselmo Library.
MAGC Summer Concert Series, 5pm, Ross.
Friday, August 12, Perseids Meteor Shower
Unique Derique, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Fizzy, Foamy Science, 11am-2pm, Combine chemistry and art to create your own custom fizzy, foamy masterpieces on the Hall’s plaza. Use vinegar, pigment, and baking soda to bring your art to life and learn to re-create this fun (and nonpermanent) painting activity at home, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
LEGO Play Day, 2:30pm, age 5+, Mill Valley Library.
Jazz and Blues by the Bay, 6:30-8pm, Sausalito.
Picnics on the Plaza, 5-8pm, featuring music and family fun in downtown San Anselmo. Bring your picnic basket or buy food at the event, Town Hall Lawn.
Friday Night Jazz, 6-9pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Creekside Fridays, 6:30-8pm, The Cabin, Mill Valley.
Saturday, August 13
Inverness Fair, 10am-3pm, simple town fair with a pancake breakfast, a book sale, music, kids’ activities and oysters for sale, Inverness. Questions:
Gravenstein Apple Fair, 10am-6pm, Sebastopol.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Video Game Tournament, 11am-4pm, Marin City Library.
Pistahan, 11am, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Artists of Mount Tamalpais Art Fest and Sale! 11am-6pm, music, children's activities and more, MWPCA Clubhouse, Mill Valley.
Summer Carnival, 12-3pm, games, face painting and a family circus show with Circus of Smiles. These are just SOME of the events at this huge celebration, Novato Library.
Kids Kokoro, 12-1pm, ages 7-13, George "Rocky" Graham Park, 630 Drake Avenue, Marin City.
Zootopia, Creek Park, San Anselmo
Astronomy Viewing Night: Perseids Meter Shower, 9 – 11pm, Bring the whole family out for an evening under the stars, look at the planets and night sky through a telescope, or bring a blanket to sit on and enjoy the view. The star of the show will be the Perseids Meteor Shower, which will be at its peak, Mount Burdell Preserve, meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Sunday, August 14
West Point Inn, pancake breakfast!
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, Under the Bridge: Marine Mammals of SF Bay, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Gravenstein Apple Fair, 10am-6pm, Sebastopol.
Origami-Palooza & Paper Airplane Contest, 10am-5pm, San Francisco.
Jerry Day, San Francisco.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Pistahan, 11am, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Summer Music Series, 12-2pm, Town Center Corte Madera.
Folkish Festival, 12:30pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Atomic Bomb!, 2pm, Stern Grove, San Francisco.
Concerts-in-the-Park, 4pm, Belvedere.
Summer Sunday Concerts, 5pm, Corte Madera.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, August 15
Tuesday, August 16
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Paddington, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Kite Science/Make Your Own Kite, 2–4pm, How does a kite fly? Learn the science of kite flying and make your own kite in this fun and unique program, Marin City Library.
Wednesday, August 17
LEGO Club, 4-5:30pm, Fairfax Library.
Plaza Nights, 4:30-6:30pm, Enjoy an evening under the stars at this weekly, family hangout program! Join us in the Library Atrium for music, crafts, games and special events, Novato Library.
The Puppet Company presents: Rabbit & Coyote Are Friends? 4:45pm, Novato Library.
Concerts in the Plaza, 6:30pm, Mill Valley.
The Peanuts Movie, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Thursday, August 18, Full Moon
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Paddington, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Sequoia Theater, Mill Valley.
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Paddington, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Bricks by the Bay, 10am-4pm, Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara.
Mazacote, 6pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Friday, August 19
Bricks by the Bay, 10am-4pm, Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara.
Venezuelan Music Project, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Jazz and Blues by the Bay, 6:30-8pm, Sausalito.
Picnics on the Plaza, 5-8pm, featuring music and family fun in downtown San Anselmo. Bring your picnic basket or buy food at the event, Town Hall Lawn.
Friday Night Jazz, 6-9pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Marinwood Music in the Park, 6-8pm, San Rafael.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Saturday, August 20
Discovery Day, 10am-12pm, hands-on science, art and story activities for families of all ages, South Novato Library.
Bricks by the Bay, 10am-4pm, Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Kids Kokoro, 12-1pm, ages 7-13, George "Rocky" Graham Park, 630 Drake Avenue, Marin City.
Jane Bunnett & Maqueque, 1pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Comedy of Errors, 1:30pm, free, Old Mill Park Amphitheater, Mill Valley.
Concerts on the Green, 5-7pm, Novato.
Toy Story 2, Creek Park, San Anselmo
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, August 21
Bricks by the Bay, 10am-4pm, Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Sunday Streets, 11am-4pm, Mission.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Summer Music Series, 12-2pm, Town Center Corte Madera.
Folkish Festival, 12:30pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Comedy of Errors, 1:30pm, free, Old Mill Park Amphitheater, Mill Valley.
The New Pornographers, 2pm, Stern Grove, San Francisco.
Summer Sunday Concerts, 5pm, Corte Madera.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Monday, August 22
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Oracle Arena, Oakland.
Tuesday, August 23
Wednesday, August 24
Concerts in the Plaza, 6:30pm, Mill Valley.
The Sound of Music, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Thursday, August 25
Naima Shalhoub, 12:30pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, SAP Center, San Jose.
Friday, August 26
Chelle! & Friends, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Friday Nights on Main, 6-9pm, music, food, kids activities and more, Tiburon.
Jazz and Blues by the Bay, 6:30-8pm, Sausalito.
Picnics on the Plaza, 5-8pm, featuring music and family fun in downtown San Anselmo. Bring your picnic basket or buy food at the event, Town Hall Lawn.
Friday Night Jazz, 6-9pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Pacheco Plaza Summer Music Series, 6-9pm, Novato.
Stars Wars: The Force Awakens, Old Mill Park, Mill Valley.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, SAP Center, San Jose.
Saturday, August 27
Nature Walk at King Mountain, 9 – 11am, Take a walk through your local forest and connect with its natural wonders on the King Mountain Loop Trail and learn about the area’s unique natural resources, King Mountain Preserve, meet at the gate at the end of Ridgecrest Rd in Kentfield.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Heritage Day, 11am-4pm, China Camp State Park.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Kids Kokoro, 12-1pm, ages 7-13, George "Rocky" Graham Park, 630 Drake Avenue, Marin City.
Sloth Fest, 12pm, San Francisco
Red Barat + Non Stop Bhangra, 12:30pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
LEGO Club, 1-2pm, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Comedy of Errors, 1:30pm, free, Old Mill Park Amphitheater, Mill Valley.
Norm of the North, Creek Park, San Anselmo
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, SAP Center, San Jose.
Sunday, August 28
Lake Fishing for Kids, 9 – 11am, Rangers will cast out with the kids at Stafford Lake Park to try to reel in the biggest fish in the lake, Stafford Lake Park, Novato.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, Under the Bridge: Marine Mammals of SF Bay, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site the Musical, 10:30am & 1:30pm, Children's Creativity Museum Theater, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officer's Club, San Francisco.
Summer Music Series, 12-2pm, Town Center Corte Madera.
Folkish Festival, 12:30pm, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Comedy of Errors, 1:30pm, free, Old Mill Park Amphitheater, Mill Valley.
Concerts in the Plaza, 3pm, Mill Valley.
Summer Sunday Concerts, 5pm, Corte Madera.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Ringing Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, SAP Center, San Jose.
Monday, August 29
Tuesday, August 30
Wednesday, August 31