Weekend Fun For Everyone This Father's Day (June 16-18)
Friday June 16
Maker Mornings, 9am-12pm, 6th-12th graders, Work on a variety of hands on projects including making a finger piano and open crafting, Novato Library.
Juan Sanchez Concert! 10:30 – 11am, multilingual singer/songwriter and storyteller, Novato Library.
Yerba Buena Festival, 11-11:30am & 12:15–12:45pm, Red Panda Acrobats, San Francisco.
Juan Sanchez Concert! 12:15 – 12:45pm, multilingual singer/songwriter and storyteller, Fairfax Library.
Circus of Smiles Workshop, 1-2pm, Join the Circus workshop with an experienced circus arts instructor from Circus of Smiles. You don't have to run away to join this circus. Come try your hand at juggling and tumbling and try out a comedy routine in a supportive and fun environment, Stinson Beach Library.
Circus of Smiles Workshop, 3:30 – 4:30pm, Inverness Library.
Music Without Borders for a World Without Borders, 3:30 – 4:30pm, multilingual singer/songwriter and storyteller Juan L. Sanchez perform his interactive family program with songs from around the world, Marin City Library.
Super Father Son BBQ, 7-9pm, Corte Madera Community Center.
Creekside Friday, The Cabin, Tennessee Valley
Pacheco Plaza Summer Music Series, Novato
Jazz & Blues by the Bay, Sausalito
San Mateo County Fair, ‘Where Tradition Meets Innovation’
Alameda County Fair, 'Best. Summer. Ever.'
Saturday June 17
Soy and Tofu Festival, Saint Mary’s Cathedral, San Francisco
North Beach Festival, San Francisco
Juneteenth, San Francisco
Northern California Pirate Festival, Vallejo
Japan Day Festival, San Francisco
Alcatraz: Island of Seabirds, 9:30am-12pm,Alcatraz Island, infamous for its federal prison, supports the only nesting colonies of Brandt’s and Pelagic, Contact sara.heintzelman@noaa.gov or 415-530-5366, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco.
Learn How to Pier Fish on Father’s Day Weekend, 10am-12pm, Paradise Beach Park, Tiburon.
Hiking at Rodeo Lagoon and Beach, 10am- 1pm, habitat for many birds, butterflies, and botany, and is a favorite bird watching spot, Wildcare.
Sturgeon’s Mill, 10am-3pm, steam powered sawmill open only 4 weekends a year to the general public, Sebastopol. (707) 829-2479
North Beach Festival, 10am-6pm, free, feature over 125 arts and crafts booths, gourmet food booths, two stages of live entertainment, Italian street painting, beverage gardens, kid’s chalk art area and the blessing of the animals, North Beach District, San Francisco.
Presidio Family-Friendly Bike Ride, 10-11:30am, Presidio Visitor Center, San Francisco.
Juneteenth Parade & Festival, entertainment, food, contests, children's activities, and fun, Nicholl Park, Richmond.
The LEGO Experience, 10:30am-2pm, Poppy at Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Juan Sanchez Concert! 10:30-11am, outdoor bilingual concert (weather dependent) will take place in the meadow behind the Novato Library.
Storytime with Lisa Pliner, 11am, meet famed shoe designer and children's author of "A Puppy’s Dream Comes True," Barnes & Noble Corte Madera.
Read to a Dog, 11am – 12pm, South Novato Library.
Creative Family Fun - Terrific Tile Painting, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officers' Club, San Francisco.
Insect Discovery Lab! 12-3pm, This one is great for families as Save Nature brings out their giant darkling beetles, colorful grasshoppers, 240 legged African millipedes, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches for folks to hold and look at, Conservatory of Flowers, San Francisco.
Presidio Kite Festival, 12-5pm, Main Parade Ground, San Francisco.
Cosplay Party, 1 – 3pm, 6th-12th graders, Costume party, prizes, food and fun. Dress up not required! Walkups are OK, but signup recommended because space is limited, Novato Library.
Yerba Buena Festival, 1-3pm, M.A.K.U SoundSystem + Bang Data, San Francisco.
Make Your Own Mini Comic & Free Comics Giveaway, 1:30 – 3:30pm, A workshop for teens in grades 6-12. The Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco will provide a two hour workshop on how to make your very own mini comic book, Civic Center Library.
Summer of Love Family Movie Day: Jungle Book, 2-3:30pm, classic 1967 animated film. Popcorn and refreshments will be available. Mill Valley Library.
Children’s Musician Juan L. Sanchez, 2 – 3pm, Don’t miss the fun when bilingual and renowned children’s musician, Juan L. Sanchez brings songs, dance, and play in English and Spanish to the Bolinas Community Center.
Kids LEGO Club, 3-4pm, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Evening Photography at Deer Island, 7:30-9pm, Deer Island Ln, Novato.
Sci-Fi-Fi Movie Night, 8:30pm, Gravity: Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as NASA astronauts stranded in orbit, Cushing Theatre, Mill Valley.
Concerts on the Green, City Green, 901 Sherman Avenue, Novato.
Kids LEGO Club, 3-4pm, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Teen Movie Night, 5-7:30pm, ages 11-18, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
North Bay Drive-In, Big Trouble in Little China, 8:30pm, Old Hamilton Theater Building, Novato.
San Mateo County Fair, ‘Where Tradition Meets Innovation’
Alameda County Fair, 'Best. Summer. Ever.'
Sunday June 18, Father's Day
West Point Inn, pancake breakfast!
North Beach Festival, San Francisco
Northern California Pirate Festival, Vallejo
Native Contemporary Arts Festival, San Francisco
Lake Fishing for Kids, 9-11am, Stafford Lake Park, Novato.
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-4pm, Summer with the Seal Lions. Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
North Beach Festival, 10am-6pm, free, feature over 125 arts and crafts booths, gourmet food booths, two stages of live entertainment, Italian street painting, beverage gardens, kid’s chalk art area and the blessing of the animals, North Beach District, San Francisco.
Outdoor Explorer: Family Nature Program, 10:30 – 11:30am, Become an "Outdoor Explorer" in your own backyard or neighborhood park! Bring your curiosity to this fun and interactive family program at the Novato Library. We'll learn about local birds, bugs and trees through hands-on outdoor exploration and activities, Novato Library.
Sand Globe Extravaganza on Stinson Beach, 11am-3pm, free, to make sand globes, Stinson Beach.
Creative Family Fun - Terrific Tile Painting, 11am-4pm, Presidio Officers' Club, San Francisco.
Vehicle Factory, 11am-3pm, Use a variety of recyclable materials, like paper and cups, to design, build, and test stomp rockets, paper airplanes, mini-helicopters, and other types of vehicles, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
Yerba Buena Festival, 12-3pm, Native Contemporary Arts Festival, San Francisco.
Mountain Play, 2pm, Beauty and the Beast
Concerts-in-the-Park, Belvedere Park
Summer Sunday Concerts, Piccolo Pavilion in Old Corte Madera Square