What's Happening This Weekend (January 22-25)
Friday, January 22
Sing and Dance with Miss Kitty, 10:30am, ages 8 and under, space is limited, free tickets on first come basis, San Rafael Library.
Narnia, Berkeley Playhouse Kidstage.
Saturday, January 23
Olompali Bird Walk, 8:30am-Noon, Olompali State Park.
Aramburu Island Enhancement, 9am-1pm, ages 12+, volunteer work is mildly strenuous and involves bending, pulling, and kneeling, RSVP Volunteer Coordinator Kirk Schroeder at (415) 763-2977.
Back to Bahia, 9am – 12pm, help wipe out the remaining invasive French broom, Meet at the Bahia trailhead near the end of Bahia Dr in Novato.
Marin County Chess Championship Tournament, 9:30am3:30pm, Corte Madera Recreation Center.
2016 Summer Camp Fair at French American International School, 9:30a,-12pm, free, meet over 60 camps for preK-12th grade, San Francisco.
SPAWN Coho Salmon Creek Walk Tour, 10am-1pm, naturalists led walk to explore and learn about the ecology of our endangered native population of Coho salmon, native plants and animals, the natural history of the watershed, RSVP required, for questions contact: Education Specialist Catie Clune, email: catie@spawnusa.org phone: (415) 663-8590.
Marincello Walk, 10am-12pm, learn about the infamous Marincello Development was that was planned for this area. See remnants of this once popular idea. We will leave from Tennessee Valley and walk up to the Miwok Trail.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Wafflemania!, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Escape from AT&T Park 11am /3pm / 7pm (PDT) San Francisco faces its first ever monster attack. Save our ballpark!It’s finally time for the first game of the baseball season! While waiting for the opening pitch, you feel a low rumble shake the stands, followed by an unnerving, roaring sound. A scientist inexplicably appears to warn you that a sea monster is closing in on the stadium. You have 60 minutes to discover the secret behind the monster’s attack and escape from AT&T Park before it’s destroyed beyond repair! 24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco
Creative Family Fun: Ice Age Mammal Masks, 11am-4pm, imaginative craft-making based on the Presidio’s natural and cultural heritage, registration not required, but preferred, Presidio Officers’ Club, San Francisco.
Octopalozza!, 11:30am-2pm, celebrate cephalopods of the world with fun activities, crafts, and presentations! Experiment with market squid dissections using squids from the sustainable seafood we feed our animals at Aquarium of the Bay. Plus, we’ll have an “octopus course” with fun challenges to find the inner cephalopod in all of us! Bay Model, Sausalito.
History for Half Pints: Hippie Crafts, 11:30am-1:30pm, In celebration of exhibition, Experiments in Environment: The Halprin Workshops, 1966–1971, we will be designing, creating, and building different crafts inspired by "hippie culture." Activities include: making far out jewelry, designing brightly colored lanterns, crafting paper flower crowns, constructing tissue box guitars, and creating political posters, California Historical Society, San Francisco.
Full Moon Hike to the Point Bonita Lighthouse, 4:45-6:15pm, arrive early as parking is limited. Meet at the Point Bonita Lighthouse trailhead. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight. Limited to 50 people; program fills quickly. Reservations required; call (415) 331-1540.
RoCo Dance On Stage and “PETER”, 7:30 pm, a modern twist on the classic story of Peter Pan, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.
Whalefest, live entertainment, face painting, educational exhibits, historic walking tours, chalk art and much more, Monterey.
Bad Kitty On Stage, straight from the pages of the wildly popular Bad Kitty comic book series, here she sprawls, in solitary splendor, until one day . . . (loud hissing) PUPPY! Uh oh. And then . . . (hair on back standing on end) MOUSE! And then. . . well, let’s just say life gets complicated. A world premiere. Recommended for age 4 and up. Freight & Salvage, Berkeley.
Narnia, Berkeley Playhouse Kidstage.
Sunday, January 24
Marine Science Sunday, 10am-5pm, Animals of the Arctic, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Hilarious Ventriloquist Steve Chaney and his puppet partner Cornelius Crowe, JCC, Berkeley.
Creative Family Fun: Ice Age Mammal Masks, 11am-4pm, imaginative craft-making based on the Presidio’s natural and cultural heritage, registration not required, but preferred, Presidio Officers’ Club, San Francisco.
Pelican Dreams, 1pm, free, documentary (Rated G, 80 minutes) follows a wayward California brown pelican that lands on the Golden Gate Bridge, stopping traffic, from her "arrest" on the bridge into care at a wildlife rehabilitation facility and beyond, Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley.
Picture Book author Salina Yoon reads and signs her new book "Be a Friend", 2pm, Salina discusses and signs her new picture book, DIESEL, A Bookstore, Larkspur.
RoCo Dance On Stage and “PETER”, 7:30 pm, a modern twist on the classic story of Peter Pan, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael.
Bad Kitty On Stage, straight from the pages of the wildly popular Bad Kitty comic book series, here she sprawls, in solitary splendor, until one day . . . (loud hissing) PUPPY! Uh oh. And then . . . (hair on back standing on end) MOUSE! And then. . . well, let’s just say life gets complicated. A world premiere. Recommended for age 4 and up. Freight & Salvage, Berkeley.
Whalefest, live entertainment, face painting, educational exhibits, historic walking tours, chalk art and much more, Monterey.