June Awesome List
Monday, June 1, Doyle Drive Closure Postponed
Family Storytimes & Concerts, 10:30-11am, ages 0-8, Boyd Memorial Park, Mission Avenue at B Street, San Rafael.
Film of the Month, except Tuesdays, Alice in Wonderland (11am & 1:30pm) & 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (4pm), The Walt Disney Museum, San Francisco.
Tuesday, June 2, Full Moon
Library LEGO Club, 3:30pm, ages 5+. Get in touch with your inner engineer! San Anselmo Library.
Muir Woods After Hours, 7-8pm.
Wednesday, June 3
Colorful Pendants, 3 & 4:30pm All ages Make your own bunting…pendants…flags, call them what you will, start the summer by making your own. Sausalito Library.
First Wednesdays, 5-7pm, enjoy beverages from the “Bar Car,” a specially-designed Airstream that redefines mobile hospitality. Adults and families are welcome, and it’s free. Bon Air Center, Greenbrae.
Thursday, June 4
SHARE a Book, Read to a Dog, 3:30-4:30pm, Want to have a “paws-itive” reading experience? Come share a book withthe Marin Humane Society SHARE-A-Book dogs. Kids in kindergarten andolder can sign up for a 15-minute appointment. San Anselmo Library.
Friday, June 5
Kent Island Restoration, 10am – 2pm, work to restore the unique ecosystem on Kent Island in Bolinas Lagoon! Volunteers as young as 5 years old to join if teamed with a parent or guardian. Meet at the public dock on Wharf Rd in Bolinas (across from the College of Marin biology lab).
Sing with Miss Kitty, 10:30-11:15am, ages 0-8, San Rafael Library.
Kids' Pajama Party with Christie Matheson, 6pm, diesel, A Bookstore, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Concert Under the Oak, 6-8pm, Northgate Mall, San Rafael.
Jazz & Blues by the Bay, Sausalito.
Red Panda Acrobats, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Saturday, June 6, National Trails Day
Marin Parents of Multiples Club (MPOMC) Garage Sale, 8am-2pm in the gymnasium at Marin Catholic High School in Kentfield.
Mill Valley-Sausalito Path Clean Up, 9 am-1 pm, Lunch: 12:30-1 pm, litter cleaning and beautification project on the Mill Valley-Sausalito Path. Volunteers of all ages welcome!
Bothin Marsh Clean up, 9am – 12pm, remove litter from Bothin Marsh and areas surrounding the multiuse pathway to protect valuable tidal wetland habitat and improve pathway aesthetics in this beautiful area. Meet at the end of Sycamore Ave on the multiuse pathway in Mill Valley.
White Hill Trail Maintenance, 9am – 1pm, ages 12+, help maintain the trail tread, bridges and remove invasive French broom from the trail corridor to improve safety and line of sight. Meet at the roadside parking area near the top of White Hill Grade on Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Mt. Tam Healthy Parks, Healthy People Walk, 9am, Meet State Park staff at the Kiosk in the Pantoll parking lot.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, BBQ at Home, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Learn to Build a Load 'n Go Truck, Home Depot, San Rafael.
Explore Stafford Lake Park, 10am – 1pm, come out for an easy nature walk around beautiful Stafford Lake. Stafford Lake Park, 3549 Novato Blvd, Novato.
Drakes Beach Cleanup, 10am-2pm, Point Reyes.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 9–13, BBQ Helper, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
The Wolf Who Ate the Sky, 11am-12pm, meet Charles Hobson, Mary Daniel Hobson, and Anna, the authors and illustrator of this three-generation project, Stinson Beach Library.
Headlands Treasure Hunt, 11am-12:30pm, free, RSVP required, Point Bonita YMCA
Book Scavenger, 11am, meet the author Jennifer Chambliss Bertman, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
The Marin Museum of Bicycling, 11am-7pm, Grand Opening Celebrations, Fairfax.
Latino Arts Festival, 12-4pm, free, San Geronimo Valley Community Center.
Redwood Hill Farms has an Open House 2 weekends a year. Play with their goats and sample cheese. It’s a huge family event. There is little parking but it’s such a fun event, carpool recommended. Next public tour is June 6 & 7, 11 am – 3 pm, free, 5480 Thomas Road, Sebastopol, CA.
Guided Hike at Muir Woods, 2-5 pm, National Park Service is offering a guided walk of Muir Woods that will touch upon the benefits of trails, defining trail structures and the ecosystems of Muir Woods. This event is an excellent way to cap off a day of swinging a pick or cutting branches out of a trail. It is family friendly and all are welcome.
Healthy Parks, Healthy People, 2-4pm, hiking, beginner exercises and family games, Presidio, San Francisco.
Opera-in-an-Hour movie, 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 3:00pm, , Rossini's The Barber of Seville, great way for audiences young and old to learn about the magic of opera, The Children’s Creativity Museum, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Paint Spanish Tiles, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Soy and Tofu Festival, Japantown
Sand Castle and Sand Sculpture Contest in Alameda
Bay Area Book Festival, free, Berkeley
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, June 7
Planetary Dance, sunrise, peak of Mt. Tamalpias.
Strawberry Festival, Mill Valley
Green Gulch Farm Sunday Children’s Program, 10am, After a short talk, the children leave the zendo to participate in their own special programs. Activities include crafts, seasonal projects on the farm and garden, yoga, and ritual. Please check in before the program at the table near the southwest side entrance of the zendo.
Folkish Festival, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Mountain Play, “Peter Pan“, 2pm. Get your tickets, grab a picnic and get ready to be enchanted. For more information call 383-1100.
Redwood Hill Farms has an Open House 2 weekends a year. Play with their goats and sample cheese. It’s a huge family event. There is little parking but it’s such a fun event, carpool recommended. Next public tour is June 6 & 7, 11 am – 3 pm, free, 5480 Thomas Road, Sebastopol, CA.
Opera-in-an-Hour movie, 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 3:00pm, , Rossini's The Barber of Seville, great way for audiences young and old to learn about the magic of opera, The Children’s Creativity Museum, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Paint Spanish Tiles, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Bay Area Book Festival, free, Berkeley
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, June 8, World Ocean Day
Casada de Flores, 4:30-5:50pm, Your whole family is invited to join us for this special musical treat! Cascada de Flores combines, music, dance and storytelling in a way the makes summer Reading to the Rhythm come alive, Stinson Beach Library.
Casada de Flores, 7-8pm, Inverness Library.
Tuesday, June 9
A Rainbow of Colors from Three Primaries with John Muir Laws, 10-11:30am, Richardson Bay Audubon Center, Tiburon.
Origami with Hiroki Coyle, 2-3pm, Point Reyes Library.
San Francisco Jazz Festival, free, Hayes & Octavia.
Wednesday, June 10
LEGO Club, 3 & 4:30pm ages 3+, We have a huge Lego collection, come build with us! Lego Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Sausalito Library.
Thursday, June 11
Origami with Hiroki Coyle, 2-3pm, Point Reyes Library.
Magician Brian Scott, 4pm, returns to Larkspur Library to amaze and delight us with astounding feats of magic! Larky, the Larkspur Hippo will also be making a special appearance. Space is limited. Please RSVP to library@cityoflarkspur.org or 415-927-5005.
Beatles Tribute, 6-9pm, Creek Park, San Anselmo.
Ka-Hon, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Jurassic Park, Jack London Square, Oakland
Friday, June 12
Into the Woods: A Walk and Talk, 11am-1pm, Native Plants, Muir Woods.
Middle School Book Club, 4pm, Sam Anselmo Library.
Michelle Tea - Girl at the Bottom of the Sea, 6:30pm, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Film Night in the Park, sunset, The LEGO Movie, Contratti Park, Central Field, Fairfax.
Jazz & Blues by the Bay, Sausalito.
Ka-Hon, 11am & 12:15pm, free, Yerba Buena Garden Festival, San Francisco.
Saturday, June 13, National Get Outdoors Day
Aramburu Island Enhancement, 9am – 1pm,ages 12+, Meet at the intersection of Greenwood Bay Dr. and Greenwood Cove Dr. across from the 76 gas station in Tiburon.
Family Adventures Visits Richardson Bay Audubon Center in Tiburon, 10am-12:30pm, Bring the whole family to explore Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary and its beautiful shoreline.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, I ♥ Zoku, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Novato Festival of Art, Wine and Music, 10am-7pm.
Get Your Kids Outside And Into Gardening, 11am-12:30pm, local landscaper and elementary school garden educator, Kier Holmes shares some simple tips and creative ideas to get your kids/grand kids excited about gardening and loving nature, extended 11am story time for your kids, Mill Valley Library.
Fairfax Festival, 11am-6pm.
Touch the Brightest Star, 11am, meet author Christie Matheson, Barnes & Noble, Corte Madera.
Mountain Play, “Peter Pan“, All shows start at 2:00pm. Get your tickets, grab a picnic and get ready to be enchanted. For more information call 383-1100.
Family Movie Matinee, 2-4pm, Novato Library.
Presidio Kite Expo, 12-5pm, make a kite (need to RSVP), gallery, team kite ballet, giant creature kites, food trucks, and more, Presidio, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Create Corn Husk Dolls, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Pier Crabbing, 10am-12pm, Fort Point.
A Lake Through the Years: The History and Archaeology of Mountain Lake, 2-3pm, Presidio, San Francisco.
SF Juneteenth, African American Art & Culture Complex at 10am (762 Fulton St)
Red Bull Baylines, 1 Market St. San Francisco.
Pier Crabbing, 10am-12pm, San Francisco.
Conscious Family Festival 2015, 10am-5pm, free, Finley Community Center (Person Senior Wing) 2060 W. College Ave. (corner of Stony Point Road), Santa Rosa.
Full Belly Farm Open Farm Day.
Portugal Day Festival, 10am to 6 pm, History Park San Jose, San Jose.
Green Kids Conference, Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus, SVC, Building 1, 1065 La Avenida, Mountain View.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, June 14
Angel Island Civil War Days, 10am-4pm, step back in time” and experience a slice of life on Angel Island with the recreation of an 1860s Union Army post during the Civil War.
EZ’s Lemonade Stand, 11am-4pm, music, game, and more to strengthen the battle against childhood cancer and celebrate five-year-old Ezequiel “EZ” Powell's end-of-treatment, Little Yellow House & Commons, Corner of Highway 1 & Main Street, Point Reyes Station.
Folkish Festival, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Summer Sunday Concerts, Corte Madera.
Infant, Child, Adult CPR and AED certification with Dana Thompson, RN, 11am-1:30pm, CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation is used on anybody who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. Choking, drowning or other unforeseen events can cause this emergency situation. Knowing what to do in an instant can save a life. This Infant and Child CPR course is approved by American Health and Safety Institute(ASHI). and covers choking and the use of an AED (automated external defibrillator). Advance Registration required, Sprout, Mill Valley.
Fairfax Festival, 11am-6pm.
Sunday Special: Throckmorton Youth Performers, 11-11:45am, showcasing musical numbers from this season including Seussical, 42nd Street, and West Side Story, Mill Valley Library.
Novato Festival of Art, Wine and Music, 10am-6pm.
105th Dipsea Race, Mill Valley
Marine Science Sunday, Marine Mammal Superheroes, Docent-led tours at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm, Free Classroom presentations at 12 pm and 2 pm, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Learn to Skate – Free Clinic, 11am – 1pm, all ages, geared towards the newbie skateboarder and those looking to cross over from other board sports, but aren’t quite sure how to start. All skill levels are welcome and no experience is necessary. McInnis Park, 310 Smith Ranch Rd, San Rafael.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Father's Day Feast, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Mountain Play, “Peter Pan“, 2pm. Get your tickets, grab a picnic and get ready to be enchanted. For more information call 383-1100.
Creative Family Fun: Create Corn Husk Dolls, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Cycling Crissy, Pedaling Presidio, 10am-12pm, Presidio, San Francisco.
Stern Grove Festival, 2pm, free, The Doobie Brothers, San Francisco.
Dragonboat Festival, Foster City.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Monday, June 15
Terrariums: Your Own Whimsical World 3:30-5pm Ages 9-12 Make a terrarium at this hands-on workshop. We’ll provide the plants & everything you need. Sausalito Library.
Family Storytimes & Concerts, 10:30-11am, ages 0-8, Boyd Memorial Park, Mission Avenue at B Street, San Rafael.
Video Game Party, 2-4pm, play games, eat pizza and hang out, Civic Center Library.
Tuesday, June 16, New Moon
Origami with Hiroki Coyle, 2-3pm, Point Reyes Library.
Library LEGO Club, 3:30pm, ages 5+. Get in touch with your inner engineer! San Anselmo Library.
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Dolphin Tales 2, , $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Magician Brian Scott, 3:30pm, All ages, Get ready for a spell-binding performance. Bring a blanket to sit on and join us in Robin Sweeny Park, Sausalito Library.
Kids Day, 2pm, free, Salsamania Dance Company, Stern Grove.
Wednesday, June 17
Sunglasses: Made in the Shade, 3-4:30pm, Ages 4+, Looking for the perfect pair of sunglasses? Bring your spectacular imagination to this program-we'll bring the sunglasses & supplies, Sausalito Library.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Comedy on the Plaza, Mill Valley
Kids Day, 2pm, free, Salsamania Dance Company, Stern Grove.
Build It Festival, Learn the basic concepts and engineering skills that make homes, schools, and other structures possible—by making your own versions! Use newspaper and masking tape to test your skills as you work with others to build a zoo, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
Thursday, June 18
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Kenn Adams Adventure Theater: Myth Adventures of Melanie Moe, 11am, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Origami with Hiroki Coyle, 2-3pm, Point Reyes Library.
SHARE a Book, Read to a Dog, 3:30-4:30pm, Want to have a “paws-itive” reading experience? Come share a book withthe Marin Humane Society SHARE-A-Book dogs. Kids in kindergarten andolder can sign up for a 15-minute appointment.
Kids Day, 2pm, free, Salsamania Dance Company, Stern Grove.
Friday, June 19
¡Caminando entre los más Altos! 12-1pm, Muir Woods.
Father Son BBQ, 6:30-9pm, Corte Madera Rec Center.
Creekside Friday, 5:30pm, Tennessee Valley, Mill Valley.
“Concerts in the Cove”, Albert Park, San Rafael.
Jazz & Blues by the Bay, Sausalito.
Red Panda Acrobats, 11am & 12:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Golden State Warriors Championship Parade and Rally, Parade To Start At 10:00 A.M. At Broadway & 11th With Rally To Follow at Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center, Oakland.
Saturday, June 20
Father’s Day Weekend Fishing Derby, 9am – 1pm, Paradise Beach Park, 3450 Paradise Drive, Tiburon.
Trails Less Traveled, 9:30am-1pm, family-friendly, three-mile walk, Muir Woods.
Wildland Fires, 10am – 12:30pm, ages 7-12, Join us for a Junior Ranger program created to teach youth about outdoor skills, natural history, and environmental stewardship. Learn about the role of fire in our ecosystem and how fires are managed.Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Village Rhythms, 10-11am, Interactive drum and rhythm program designed for family fun. Come dance, sing and move together. Please note, this event will be held outdoors so please dress accordingly, Novato Library.
Kent Island Restoration, 10am – 2pm, work to restore the unique ecosystem on Kent Island in Bolinas Lagoon! Volunteers as young as 5 years old to join if teamed with a parent or guardian. Meet at the public dock on Wharf Rd in Bolinas (across from the College of Marin biology lab).
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Father's Day Fun with Dad, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
LEGO Experience, 10:30am-2pm, Dream It, Build It, Repeat, The Poppy Store,Marin County Mart, Larkspur.
Susan B. Katz - ABC School's for Me! 11am, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Dave the Horn Guy, 11-11:45am, straps 25 horns to his bright orange jumpsuit and delivers an interactive, entertaining musical experience like no other. And he’s LOUD! Fairfax Library.
Music is Feeling! 11:30am, ages 5+, create and decorate your own musical instrument, Pickleweed Library, San Rafael.
Maker Saturdays, 12-3pm, free, make, share and learn with hands-on activities where you can make a duct-tape wallet or purse, a windsock, or maybe even learn to solder, Bon Air Center, Greenbrae.
Village Rhythms, 1-2pm, Marin City Library.
Dave the Horn Guy, 2-2:45pm, Corte Madera Library.
Make a Nightlight Diorama, 2-4pm, build and solder your circuit, including switch and LED light. Decorate your jar diorama, Corte Madera Library.
Cosplay Party! 2:30-4pm, grades 6-12, Do you enjoy dressing up as your favorite anime, sci-fi or other fictional character? Do you just want to hang out? Then come to our summer reading Cosplay kick-off party! Games, prizes and food, Novato Library.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971), 3pm, Lark Theatre, Larkspur.
Middle School Mash-up Concert & Party, 7-8:30pm, grades 6-8, Listen to great music, enjoy freshly popped popcorn, and celebrate the start of summer! Mill Valley Library.
Mt. Tam Star Party, 8:30pm, free, “The Top Tourist Sights of the Solar System: Where Bill Gates’ Great-Granddaughter Will Go on Her Honeymoon“, Rock Springs parking lot, Mountain Theater, Mill Valley.
KPFA Craft Fair, Craneway Pavilion, Richmond Waterfront.
Northern California Pirate Festival, Vallejo.
Summer Fest at Mountain Lake, 10am, Celebrate the summer solstice by enjoying games, crafts, bird watching, and other fun hands-on activities at one of San Francisco’s last remaining natural lakes.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rossi Playground, San Francisco.
Natural Presidio Walk and Campfire, 7-8:30pm, Presidio, San Francisco.
San Francisco Free Folk Festival, 12-10pm, Cyprian’s Center, 2097 Turk Boulevard (at Lyon) San Francisco.
Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic
The Day the Crayons Quit, the Musical, 10:30am, 2pm, Children's Fairyland.
Birth and Baby Fair, San Mateo Event Center.
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland.
Sunday, June 21, June Solstice & Father's Day
Marine Science Sunday, Summer with the Sea Lions, Docent-led tours at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm, Free Classroom presentations at 12 pm and 2 pm, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito & Pier 39, San Francisco.
Discovery Day with Dad! 9am-5pm, Bay Area Discovery Museum.
Folkish Festival, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Summer Sunday Concerts, Corte Madera.
Music in the Park, Belvedere.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, Indoor & Outdoor Pizza, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Mountain Play, “Peter Pan“, 2pm. Get your tickets, grab a picnic and get ready to be enchanted. For more information call 383-1100.
Nature for Kids: An Evening at Mount Burdell, 6 – 9pm, go for a short walk and enjoy a picnic dinner just as the evening activity of the natural world commences. With luck we might hear (or see) owls or coyotes as we watch for bats coming out to hunt for insects. Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato.
Stern Grove Festival, 2pm, free, Pacific Mambo Orchestra with Sheila E. and Marlow Rosado, San Francisco.
Beginning Birding, 9:30-11:30am, Rodeo Beach, Sausalito.
Northern California Pirate Festival, Vallejo
KPFA Craft Fair, Craneway Pavilion, Richmond Waterfront.
Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic
The Day the Crayons Quit, the Musical, 10:30am, 4pm, Children's Fairyland.
The San Francisco Flamethrowers, 1-4pm, professional ultimate frisbee, Oakland.
Monday, June 22
Teen Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy, 2-4pm, Civic Center Library.
Hero Camp with Beatrice, 2pm, ages 5-8, explore heroes in folk tales, Corte Madera Library.
Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: Learn to Draw Letters, 3:30-5pm, Ages 9-12, Whether you’re making a comic book, becoming an artist, or just want to draw beautiful letters—this hands-on workshop is for you. Local illustrator and author Bethanie Murguia will teach us the basics of hand lettering & we’ll all go home with something beautiful, Sausalito Library.
Tuesday, June 23
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Share a Book With a Dog! New or struggling readers are invited to spend time reading to a specially trained dog to build their literacy skills. These dogs and their owners have been trained by the Marin Humane Society, and are patient and very good listeners. Please call us at 415-927-5005 or email us at library@cityoflarkspur.org to set up a 15 minute one-on-one appointment time just for you!
Hero Camp with Beatrice, 2pm, ages 5-8, explore heroes in folk tales, Corte Madera Library.
The Mark & Dre Comedy Show, 3:30pm, All ages, World-class juggling, kooky dancing, live music & acrobatic stunts! Bring a blanket to sit on and join us in Robin Sweeny Park, Sausalito Library.
Laugh-Out-Loud Book Club, 4-4:45pm, grades 3-5, We’ll read aloud My Life as a Book by Janet Tashjian. Summer’s finally here, and Derek Fallon is looking forward to pelting the UPS truck with water balloons, climbing onto the garage roof, and conducting silly investigations. But when his parents decide to send him to Learning Camp, Derek’s dreams of fun come to an end. Mill Valley Library.
Teen Movie Nights, 6-8pm, Novato Library.
Kids Camp, 12-2:30pm, free, grades 3-5, Visual Art and Music Camp with Zach Pine & Boomshake Music, Stern Grove.
Wednesday, June 24
Donny Crandall, 1pm, Prepare to be dazzled by Donny Crandall’s magic show! San Anselmo Library.
Hero Camp with Beatrice, 2pm, ages 5-8, explore heroes in folk tales, Corte Madera Library.
Henna Tattoos, 2-3:30pm, grades 6-12, Henna artist, Rachel-Anne Palacios, will explain the traditions of henna art and demonstrate techniques. Teens will have the opportunity to practice working with henna and receive a design by Rachel-Anne. Each participant will get a henna kit to take home. Novato Library.
Magician Donny Crandell, 3:30-4:30pm, Mill Valley Library.
Drive In Movie, We’ll start the film at 3pm, Come at 2:30pm to decorate your own ‘car.’ Stay tuned for more information! Sausalito Library.
Antz, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur
Alphabet Rockers, 5pm, Hip hop trio, Alphabet Rockers, will get you moving with their rhymes, positive messages, and slamming beats. Their energetic show features original award-winning music, beatbox, and easy-to-learn dance moves. Fun for the whole family. Pickleweed Library.
Creekside BBQ, 5:30-7:30pm, music, games, food, San Anselmo.
Scary Movie Double Feature, 5:30pm, grades 6-12, Coraline (5:30pm), Sixth Sense (7pm), snacks and pizza served, Corte Madera Library.
Basic Garage Band, 6:30pm , Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Bucket Brigade for Teens, 7-8:30pm, Join musician and music teacher, David Whitney, for a fun evening of drumming. Make music with your friends using 5 gallon buckets. Light refreshments provided. Free! Point Reyes Library.
Kids Book Club: The Willoughbys, 7-8pm, grades 4-5, Corte Madera Library.
Kids Camp, 12-2:30pm, free, grades 3-5, Visual Art and Music Camp with Zach Pine & Boomshake Music, Stern Grove.
Flames, Flares and Explosions, Shows at 12pm & 1:30pm, Flames take the stage as you learn the science behind explosions and other fiery creations. Get ready to be mesmerized by the bright (and safe) flames, flares, and explosions! Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.
Thursday June 25
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
The Puppet Company: Puff the Magic Dragon, 11am, Belvedere Tiburon Library.
Fairytale Engineering, 1pm, Young scientists engage directly with the design thinking process asthey work collaboratively to solve problems for beloved fairytalecharacters. In this family workshop, children and their importantadults will work directly with a Discovery Museum educator to plan,build and test their prototypes. All materials are provided andinclude take-home tips for caregivers, San Anselmo Library.
Village Rhythms with Onye, 2pm, Interactive drum and rhythm program designed for family fun. Come dance, sing and move together. Please note, this event will be held outdoors so please dress accordingly, Bolinas Library.
Hero Camp with Beatrice, 2pm, ages 5-8, explore heroes in folk tales, Corte Madera Library.
GardenSmart for Kids: Discovery, 2:30-4pm, grades K-2, Explore soil and the tiny animals that live in it, and plants and how they grow. Each garden explorer will take home a garden project. Mill Valley Library.
Anime Your Way, 3:30pm, grades 6-8, Carlos Nieto. He will teach you how to create your own character step by step, including facial expressions and poses, San Rafael Library.
Jewelry Making, 3:30pm, Ages 9-12, Come use beautiful glass beads to make jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, & earrings. Led by jewelry designer Chelsee Robinson, you’ll go home with jewelry you made yourself, Sausalito Library.
Comedy duo “The Mark and Dre Show”, 4pm, Don’t miss these professional goofballs who specialize in fast paced juggling, comedy and fun! This world class comedy act brings a fresh and fast paced- action packed show, that is hilarious, interactive and provides clever entertainment for the whole family. Expect big stunts, witty banter, sketch comedy, and insane juggling! Space is limited. Please RSVP to library@cityoflarkspur.org or 415-927-5005.
Anime Your Way, 5:30pm, grades 6-8, Pickleweed Library, San Rafael.
Into the Woods, 8pm, with the Marin Summer Theater, San Marin High School, San Rafael.
MAGC Summer Concert Series, Ross.
Village Rhythms with Onye, 7-8pm, Point Reyes Library.
Anime Drawing with Carlos Nieto, 7-8:30pm, grade 6-8, Los Angeles artist Carlos Nieto will teach you how to create your very own Anime character using basic shapes and easy to understand concepts. Mill Valley Library.
Kids Camp, 12-2:30pm, free, grades 3-5, Visual Art and Music Camp with Zach Pine & Boomshake Music, Stern Grove.
Friday, June 26
Into the Woods: A Walk and Talk, 11am-1pm, Flora and Fauna of a Redwood Forest, Muir Woods.
Green Art Workshop: Light Impressions, 2:30-4pm, grade 3-5, Milk cartons, mason jars, cereal boxes, and other discarded items will be transformed into glowing works of art, Mill Valley Library.
Film Night in the Park, sunset, The NeverEnding Story, Contratti Park, Central Field, Fairfax.
Friday’s on Main, Tiburon.
Creekside Friday, 5:30pm, Tennessee Valley, Mill Valley.
Pacheco Plaza Summer Music Series, Novato.
“Concerts in the Cove”, Albert Park, San Rafael.
Marinwood Music in the Park, San Rafael
Jazz & Blues by the Bay, Sausalito.
Into the Woods, 8pm, with the Marin Summer Theater, San Marin High School, San Rafael.
June Heritage Programs Commemorate the Anza Trail in San Francisco "Pasados del Presidio" events return. Kids' events, campfire programs, and more.
Afternoon Fun for Kids, 12-3pm, Explore the stories of Early California and see history come to life! Enjoy music, dance, Ohlone storytelling, hands-on kids' activities, living history, and Juanito the donkey. This year Ballet Folklórico Mexicano will offer dance workshops, Presidio Officers’ Club, (415) 561-5300.
Casada de Flores, 6pm, free, RSVP required, exploration, preservation, and dissemination of Mexican and Caribbean traditional music and dance, Officers' Club, San Francisco.
1776 Campfire with Captain Anza, 6:30-8:30om, The founders of San Francisco camped as they traveled 1,200 miles north from present-day Mexico. Drop by and explore a family-friendly expedition campsite. Meet 18th century soldados. Learn to play a song on the psaltério. Use a quadrant to measure latitudes. Meet Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, and enjoy s'mores by the fire, Rob Hill Campground, Closest parking is in the vicinity of Ralston Ave. & Greenough Ave., (415) 623-2344, hale_sargent@nps.gov.
Circus Bella's Mighty!, 12pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
Saturday, June 27
Italian Street Painting, Carnevale di Venezia, will transport you to Italy for the weekend! New activities include: the pre-event Mask-Making Competition with display, an opening ceremony featuring the Flight of the Chalk Angel, the Parade of Costumes, and a RareArtist exhibition, the event has something for everyone!
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 8–12, American Girl Event: Baking with Grace, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Creston Books - Children's Authors Celebration, 10:30am, Join Creston Books for an event celebrating their many amazing authors! Book Passage, Corte Madera.
San Anselmo Art & Wine Festival, 10am-6pm.
Sebastian Meschenmoser - Mr. Squirrel and the Moon, 12pm, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
San Francisco Opera's Special Screening of The Magic Flute, 2-3pm, Corte Madera Library.
Sunset Hike at Rush Creek, 8 – 9:30pm, Degree of difficulty: Moderate, ideal for all ages, Meet at the Pinheiro Fire Rd gate on Binford Rd in Novato.
Maker Saturdays, 12-3pm, free, make, share and learn with hands-on activities where you can make a duct-tape wallet or purse, a windsock, or maybe even learn to solder, Bon Air Center, Greenbrae.
Mine, Craft, Build using LEGOS®: Walking Creeper Workshop, 1-2:30pm, build a motorized walking Creeper in this project based workshop, that combines an engineering themed project with the world of Minecraft, Marin City Library.
Builder's Challenge, 2-3pm, ages 4-14, build, play, engineer and destruct together, building materials will be provided, Novato Library.
Family Fun Nights, 5-7pm, $10 for the whole family, Pirate Night, enjoy the pool, games, raffles, jumpee, face painting, nail salon and movies for those who do not want to swim, Mill Valley Community Center.
Into the Woods, 8pm, with the Marin Summer Theater, San Marin High School, San Rafael.
North Bay Mobile Drive-In, 9pm, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Old Hamilton Theater Building, Novato.
Great American Backyard Campout, in the Marin Headlands! RSVP required, Point Bonita, Sausalito.
June Heritage Programs Commemorate the Anza Trail in San Francisco "Pasados del Presidio" events return. Kids' events, campfire programs, and more.
San Francisco "Birthday" Ceremony, 11am-12pm, Descendants of the original founding families of the Anza Expedition return every June to the Presidio to recognize the amazing journey and efforts of their forefathers to colonize the northern frontier of Spain and found the Presidio of San Francisco. With the Amigos de Anza drill team as a colorful backdrop, join this public commemoration for a reading of all the families who arrived from present-day Mexico to establish the Presidio on June 27, 1776, Pershing Square, Main Post, Presidio, San Francisco.
Creative Family Fun: Light Up Your Life with Candles!, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Family-Friendly Restoration, 9-10:30am, El Polin Springs, RSVP preferred at nature@presidiotrust.gov, San Francisco.
Pier Crabbing, 10am-12pm, Fort Point.
Circus Bella's Mighty!, 12pm & 2:15pm, Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco.
The Day the Crayons Quit, the Musical, 10:30am, 2pm, Children's Fairyland.
Sunday, June 28
Little Folkies Family Band, 10:30am, music, food, face painting, fun, Mill Valley Golf Course.
Italian Street Painting, Carnevale di Venezia, will transport you to Italy for the weekend! New activities include: the pre-event Mask-Making Competition with display, an opening ceremony featuring the Flight of the Chalk Angel, the Parade of Costumes, and a RareArtist exhibition, the event has something for everyone!
San Anselmo Art & Wine Festival, 10am-6pm.
Wooden Boat Show, 10am-4pm, admission $20, kids under 12 free, music, model boat building for kids, and more, Corinthian Yacht Club, Tiburon.
Ice Cream Summer, 11am, meet the author, Peter Sis, Hans Christian Anderson Award winner and three-time Caldecott Honoree, Book Passage, Corte Madera.
Marine Science Sunday, Marine Mammal Superheroes, Docent-led tours at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm, Free Classroom presentations at 12 pm and 2 pm, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito.
Junior Chef Class, 10am, ages 5–13, 4th of July Cookout, Williams-Sonoma, The Village at Corte Madera.
Weekend Family Fun, 12:30-4:30pm, Hawaiian Day, JCC Pool, San Rafael.
Folkish Festival, Marin Country Mart, Larkspur.
Summer Sunday Concerts, Corte Madera.
Wooden Boat Show, Corinthian Yacth Club, Tiburon.
Into the Woods, 2pm, with the Marin Summer Theater, San Marin High School, San Rafael.
Full-Spectrum Science, 11am, 2pm, & 3:30pm, Where do fireworks come from? Who invented them? What causes their beautiful colors, and how do the bursting shells create such different patterns? Exploratorium.
Creative Family Fun: Light Up Your Life with Candles!, 11am-4pm, ages 5-12, Officers' Club, Presidio.
Stern Grove Festival, 2pm, free, Randy Newman, San Francisco.
The Day the Crayons Quit, the Musical, 10:30am, 4pm, Children's Fairyland.
Monday, June 29
Stories and More: Children's Author Betsy Rosenthal, 2:30-3:30pm, Meet award-winning author Betsy Rosenthal! She'll be reading her newest book An Ambush of Tigers. Books will be available for purchase and signing, Mill Valley Library.
Dystopia Party and Paracord Bracelets, 2-3:30pm, Teen, Come to the library for a Dystopia Party! We’ll make paracord bracelets, test our knowledge with Dystopia Jeopardy, and vote for our favorite dystopias. Snacks and awesome prizes will be provided. Civic Center Library.
Bucket Brigade for Teens, 3:30-5pm, Join musician and music teacher, David Whitney, for a fun evening of drumming. Make music with your friends using 5 gallon buckets. Light refreshments provided. Free! Point Reyes Library.
Tuesday, June 30
Summer Movie Clubhouse, 10am, Penguins, $5 for 10 movies or $1/show, Rowland, Novato.
Little Sprouts: Jelly Jam Time - Story Dancing with Risa Lenore, 11-11:45am, Join performer and educator Risa Lenore in story dancing as she uses the elements of dance to explore the story of the Apple Tree and the Honey Bee, Mill Valley Library.
Cascada de Flores, 3:30pm, All ages, Join us for The Tree & the Donkey Who Loved to Sing. Bring a blanket to sit on and join us in Robin Sweeny Park. Sausalito Library.
Meet Author Betsy Rosenthal, 1pm, Have you ever heard of a prickle of porcupines? Or a murder of crows?Or a lounge of lizards? The author will discuss her inspirations and all the steps involved in the making of children’s books, from the initial idea all the way to the final printed book, San Anselmo Library.
Laugh-Out-Loud Book Club, 4-4:45pm, grades 3-5, We’ll read aloud My Life as a Book by Janet Tashjian. Mill Valley Library.
Teen Improv Workshop, 4-6pm, Join Laura Derry for a two hour improvisation workshop. We’ll try some beginning improv activities and fun performance games. Bring your spontaneity and have some laughs! Corte Madera Library.
Super Secret Summer Party – 100 Minute Challenge, 6-8pm, Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reach the 100 minutes of reading mark on your Summer Reading Log so you can gain entrance to our Super Secret Summer Reading Event. Our secret activity will be revealed at the Children’s Desk on Monday, June 22nd. Novato Library.
Kids Camp, 12-2:30pm, free, grades 6-8, Dance with Joyce Kushner, Stern Grove.